Acting Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing 

Mr Thymon Venter

SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTy

In 2024, St Virgil’s College will again promote mental health and suicide prevention through Speak Up! Stay ChatTy. The team will be presenting a session to our Year 9 students from1-3 June on normalising conversations about mental health and encouraging students to seek help when they need it.


The organisation was established by Mitch McPherson in 2013 after his younger brother Ty died by suicide. Mitch shares his personal story of loss to encourage others to speak up and seek help when they have issues or go through difficult times.

Exam Preparation - Senior Years

As the College prepares for Senior Mid-Year exams in the coming weeks, students are preparing for their examinations in class and through our Extended Pastoral Care Program. Examination periods can be a time of stress as students study and prepare across multiple subjects. Being prepared, calm, and organised will set up our students to be successful in their examinations.


The Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) provide tips and preparation for exams. Download the ‘Study Tips – TASC’ below for exam preparation, focus, and well-being.