Acting Deputy Principal

Mrs Kim Mooney

Year 10 – 12 Exams

This week, our Year 10 students, and Year 11 and 12 TASC 3 & 4 students, received their Exam Study Guides. Our teachers have produced these to assist our students in their preparation for their exams, and we highly recommend that all students take the time to work through these thoroughly. Parents/carers and students have also recently received a letter with the Exam Timetable and Bus Schedules (Year 10 only). Please note that we ask for parent/carer acknowledgement on receipt of this communication.


All students must be wearing the full formal uniform in order to enter the exam room. Years 10-12 students were advised of this during the recent information session about the upcoming exams. They have also been provided information and suggestions on how to manage exam stress during this time. Our College has many support mechanisms in place for any student who is feeling overwhelmed. Please reach out to your child’s PC teacher or Head of House in the first instance for support.

Vinnies Fundraiser

Next Thursday at the Senior College, our Year 10 Service Leaders will be running a range of fair activities at lunch and recess to raise funds for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Students can purchase tickets ($1 each) in either PC that morning (cash only) or from the Year 10 Service leaders in the library at recess or lunch next Tuesday and Wednesday (cash or card). The tickets can be exchanged for a turn at the fair activities ($1 each) or to purchase a spider ($5). Please support our Year 10 Service Leaders which in turn will assist St Vincent de Paul in supporting Australians living in poverty.

P&F Quiz Night

Have you booked your team yet for our P&F Quiz Night on Friday 21 June? You can have 10-12 people per team. Our Hospitality students will be serving alcohol for their RSA assessments, and you will be able to pre-order their delicious pizzas when you register your team for dinner. Please support our P&F by coming along on the night to have some fun with our quiz master – Mr Ivan Dowding-Hopkins!


Reconciliation Week

During our extended PC in Period 1 on Monday 3 June, each Senior College student will be ‘decorating’ a hand, which will then be placed on the Principal’s lawn in the shape of the Aboriginal flag. Monday marks the end of the Reconciliation Week with Mabo Day. Mabo Day is marked annually on 3 June. It commemorates Mer Island man Eddie Koiki Mabo and his successful efforts to overturn the legal fiction of terra nullius, or 'land belonging to no one.' The Mabo decision was a legal case held in 1992.