Classroom learning

This week we feature the magnificent learning in Visual Art and Physical Education.
Visual Art
This term we have continued working on projects in preparation for our Art Show which will be held on October 24th. This will be our first Art show since 2018.
In Prep we have continued working with collage materials, such as cellophane and contact. We have also been looking at construction and we have been making lions using paper cups and paper. With the upcoming exhibition at NGV over the summer we looked at the story of Yayoi Kusama and students created a piece of artwork inspired by her.
In Year One and Two we explored different types of printmaking. We also created a gift for Mother’s Day using construction where we used paper in different ways, including fringing, curling and folding. We are currently working on yarn birds where students are weaving wool around a cardboard bird.
In Year Three and Four, we have been continuing with our projects using construction, painting, collage and the medium of balsa wood to create a design inspired by the work of Romero Britto. We have now started working on modelling using polymer clay.
In Year Five and Six, we have continued working on our wire armatures using wire, foil and magic clay. Students have been asked to create a figure inspired by Keith Haring. We will also work on a collaborative project inspired by Keith Haring's New York Liberty project. We will be using calico and fabric markers. Students have also had the opportunity to use embossing foil to make a daisy chain necklace and will soon start work on a construction project. They will be asked to create an urn using a bottle and paper mache.
The students are completing amazing and creative artwork and we can't wait for you to see it!
Physical Education
After a busy Term One, which culminated in our School Athletics, we have continued building our skills in Physical Education.
In Years Prep, One and Two we have been participating in games with and without equipment where they can develop strategies to work in team situations. We have also been practising fundamental motor skills at stations. These skills include different types of throwing, such as shooting for goal, overarm and underarm throwing, striking, vertical leap and balancing.
In Years Three and Four we have worked on developing attacking and defensive skills in invasion games. We applied these skills in ball games, including netball drills.
Students practised their striking skills using their hands and then in the game of tee ball.
In Years Five and Six we have also worked on further developing attacking and defensive skills with a focus on using these skills when students participate in the Winter Gala Days. We worked on the skills and rules of netball and tee ball, including the knowledge of positions. Students also completed their second Summer Gala Day where the tennis team progressed through to the Division Finals to be held in October.
Outside of PE lessons students from Years Three to Six had the opportunity to try out for District Cross Country. We have had visits from players from North Melbourne Football Club and MJ from the Melbourne Vixens.
Division Cross Country
Congratulations to Eva, Frankie and Mali who competed in the Division Cross Country on Wednesday May 29th. They tried their best on what was a challenging course. Well done to Mali who finished third and will now progress to the next level.
Andrea, Physical Education and Art teacher