Student Awards

Students of the Week

Isaac V, PD - for being an outstanding member of Prep D. You are helpful and efficient. Your work reflects your commitment to being the best you can be.


Meja F, 3B - for being the most hard working, relaxed and helpful student. You are a joy to have in the classroom. 



Saskia P, 2D - for being a kind, helpful and positive class member who completes every task with a smile on  her face.


Green HERRRBY Award

Zoe S, 1D - for being a kind and caring classmate to everyone in the class and in the yard. We are lucky to have you in 1D!



Zac K, PA - for working hard to remember to put finger spaces in between words and read back your writing. What a superstar!


Lleyton M, PA - for showing resilience to never give up and include lots of detail in your writing. We loved listening to your alien retell. Well done!


Elly B, PB - for the extra practise you do to develop your confidence in Reading and Number work. You can do it!


Kodi M, PC - for showing excellent resilience and empathy each day. You can achieve anything you put your mind to! Keep it up superstar!


Carl F, 1A - for his outstanding, exciting story about the Giant Bunnies which contained great adjectives, amazing wow words and a brilliant plot. You are a terrific author!


Cassie P, 1B - for your exceptional storytelling skills. We loved listening to the adventures of your characters. Great work!


Ciara J, 1C - for her terrific work with maths. You know how to use coins to create different amounts of money.


Harrison R, 1D - for giving your best to school tasks.  Your effort is paying off! Keep it up Harrison.


Beth B, 2A - for her exceptional kindness and empathy towards others. You are a great friend, keep it up!


Finn T, 2B - for writing a wonderful story about finding lost treasure. Your writing was descriptive, had plot twists and was funny, too. Fantastic story, Finn!  


Adele L, 2C - for working so hard to achieve your goals both at school and at home. I am so proud of your determination and resilience. Keep it up! 


Ollie S, 3A - for his amazing effort in maths this term. You are a mathematics whizz! 


Jonah B, 3C - for the creative letter he produced in Writing, inspired by ‘The Day the Crayons Quit.’ You have such an engaging author’s voice and writing style!


Ashley  P, 4A - for consistently bringing her best efforts to every moment in class, you've shown remarkable dedication to school. Keep it up, Ashley!


Isabel B, 4B - for sharing her knowledge and asking thought provoking questions.


Coco G, 4C - for being brave and showing resilience when she fractured her arm. 


Yasmine S, 5A - for being a 5A quiet achiever – always giving her best with little fuss!


Sylvia W, 5B - for producing beautifully creative work.


Ethan N, 5C -  for being an incredible leader who gives everything 100%. Well done.


Yousef K, 5D - for being incredibly resilient and having a great attitude during the Year 5 Tennis Rounders Tournament. 


Ollie G, 6B - for demonstrating his maturity and care in completing his work this week. Carry this momentum!


Tommy S, 6C - for being a kind, conscientious and hard work student who upholds the HERRRBy values every day! 



Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Alyssa H, PD - for enthusiastically participating in all activities and showing a great understanding of Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Kepler B, 1D - for his fantastic contributions and for enthusiastically sharing great Japanese knowledge and skills with his classmates during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Hudson B, 2B - for working diligently and demonstrating the HERRBY values during the Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Annie L, 3A - for being an excellent participant in Japanese and demonstrating HERRRBY values.

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Lenny A, 4B - for being enthusiastic and working hard to remember new words in Neko-chan story.

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Jessica W, 5D - for working with her best effort during the Japanese class and being an active participant. 

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Maisie B, 6C - for being confident in clarifying Japanese grammar and also trying to memorise sentences for the web exchange

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!