Principal's Report

The Great Debate and Prep Phonics Day
We are looking forward to two special events taking place tomorrow. Our Year 6’s will be involved in The Great Debate, where a team from each Year 6 class test their debating skills against the other Year 6 classes. Later in the year students will be selected to represent Gardenvale PS at the District Debating Competition.
At the other end of our school our Preps will be coming to school dressed up as something representing the first letter of their name! Our Preps will have the opportunity to show off their costumes at the parade in the Hall at 9.00am!
Parent Volunteer Agreement Form
As part of the Department’s Child Safe Standards Policy all parents who want to volunteer in the classroom, on camps, excursions etc. throughout the year are required to fill out a ‘Parent Volunteer Agreement Form’. The link to this can be found on the COMPASS homepage under the favourites star (see below). When you go into the link you will need to complete your details which includes your WWCC number. You will be required to watch a short video and read the Induction Booklet linked. We are asking all current and future volunteers to complete this process. You will only need to repeat this when your WWCC is updated.
2025 Preps
We are endeavouring to firm up our Prep numbers for next year. If you have a little one starting school at Gardenvale PS in 2025, please collect an enrolment form from either our Junior or Senior Office or download one from our website and return completed forms either by email or to the Junior Campus Office.
Curriculum Day
A reminder that this Thursday, 30th May, is a Curriculum Day, therefore pupil free. Team Kids will operate a long day program on this day, you can find the details on their website.
Have a lovely week,