Mission & Religious Education News

The Mass FAQs! Why go to church when I can pray alone?

To understand the Mass we need to understand the church as a community, as a family. A simple analogy; family members come together for meals, not just for physical nourishment, but a way of sharing life together. This is like the Sunday Eucharist for Catholics. It is the “sacred meal” whereby we come together to worship God, not just for our spiritual nourishment but to acknowledge we belong to one another as God’s family, that we are a people who share in the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. As the great Father Richard Gleeson once said in a homily, yes you can pray at home but not like this!

BBI National Symposium

The symposium starts this Thursday! Any last minute issues, please contact Kate Frazier at the office. Due to a couple of late withdrawals there are some places left. Please contact Kate if you would like to be a last minute inclusion.


New Staff Induction

As part of the Work, Teach, Lead policy an induction is required for new staff each year in regards to the catholic life of the diocese. This applies to all school staff, not only teaching staff. Any staff new this year that have not attended an induction, please register for the 20th of October using this form.

VENUE: Catholic Schools Office, Armidale

TIME: 9am - 3pm

DATE: 20th October 2023


Please note a change of dates for the Term 4 Cornerstones sessions. They are now November 9 and 15.

Please fill in the google form here to indicate your preference.

Marriage and Family week

Marriage and Family Week in the Armidale Diocese starts on the Sunday the 15th of October and concludes on the 20th of October. RECs have been sent material that includes a lesson plan for primary and secondary, suggestions for daily notices, a marriage and family week prayer and resources.

 Set of resources here 


Aboriginal Spirituality within the Religious Education Curriculum

Darryl Martin had the pleasure of providing support to the St Edward’s staff on the concluding day of Term 3. 

Engaging workshops and discussions were undertaken to refresh our understanding of Aboriginal Spirituality within the Religious Education curriculum.


The day presented a valuable opportunity for dialogue, contributing to the enrichment of faith and cultural life of the school and the wider community. 


Special acknowledgment is extended to Mrs. Clarke (St Edward’s Religious Education Coordinator) for her planning and execution of the day. Appreciation is also expressed to Miss Cloake, Mr. Peachey, and Mrs. Gwalter for the facilitation of workshops. Congratulations to all who attended for their collective contribution to the success of the day.

Upcoming Feast Days

October 11 St John XXIII

October 14 St Callistus I

October 16 St Hedwig, St Margaret Mary Alacoque

October 17 St Ignatius of Antioch

October 18 St Luke