Student Wellbeing

Child Safe Standards, PBIS Blitz, Odd Socks Day, Coffee Time, Teeth on Wheels

Child Safe Standards & Volunteering


The Child Safe Standards were introduced by the Victorian Government on July 1st, 2022.


The Child Safe Standards aim to: 

  • promote the safety of children 
  • prevent child abuse 
  • ensure effective processes are in place to respond to and report all allegations of child abuse 

The Child Safe Standards work by: 

  • driving change in culture 
  • embedding child safety in everyday thinking and practice 
  • providing a minimum standard of child safety 
  • highlighting we all have a role in keeping children safe from abuse. 

There are now 11 Child Safety standards and Ministerial order No. 1359 defines the actions schools must take to meet the requirements associated with the New Child Safe Standards. 


As a way to ensure we meet the requirements, we have reviewed our volunteer processes and expectations. If you would like to become a volunteer or to find out more about the expectations, please follow this link - St Kilian's Volunteers expectations.pdf



Bullying. No Way! PBIS Blitz


At St Kilian’s, we pride ourselves in building strong relationships with parents/carers and families. We believe that working together as equal partners has a positive impact on all students. Research indicates that early school-based parent engagement is linked to improved self-regulated learning behaviours, an important individual factor in supporting school success.


Did you know that only 14% of learning is undertaken in the classroom, therefore the majority of learning is done either at home or in the community, usually with the parent/carer. The sharing of knowledge is vital in building a stronger connection between home and school and ultimately improving learning outcomes for all students.


Our PBIS Blitz for the first 3 weeks of term will focus on Bullying. No Way! The Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships program that is implemented across the school from Grades Prep to 6 has elements of this and we would like to highlight this further. 


Each week, classes will participate in Bullying. No Way! specific lessons from a variety of resources such as Kids Helpline, Daniel Morcombe Foundation & Bullying. No Way!


On Monday 23rd October, everyone is invited to wear odd socks to school as a pledge that St Kilian’s does not accept bullying.













Dear Families


Your child’s dental health is important to us, that’s why Teeth on Wheels will be visiting our school starting on the 8/11/2023.


Click the link below to sign your child up - IT MIGHT BE FREE!


Teeth on Wheels are focused on providing a positive dental experience and specialise with working with children. They can provide check-up and clean appointments, as well as treatment onsite and will be able to advise you if your child is eligible to receive dental care for FREE under the Child Dental Benefit Schedule.


Please complete your form today and the Teeth on Wheels team will be in contact to confirm and schedule your child’s appointment. -  Forms must be completed by 7/11/2023 for your child to participate.  If you are unable to access the E-form, please visit the school reception for a paper form.