Tutor Learning Update

Cheryl Clarke - TLI Coordinator & Tutor

Tutor Learning Program Term 4


The Tutor Learning Program continues to work across a range of year levels to enrich the learning of many students.


In term 4, students in Prep, Year 1, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 5 will take part in the program. We have four tutors working in a range of structures to best support our students and their teachers. 


This includes:

  • 1:1 tutoring 
  • small withdrawal groups
  • in class support

Our tutors include:


Natalie Bowerman working with Prep, Year 1 and some Year 2 students focused on literacy.


Sharon Meeking working with Year 2 students focused on literacy.


Kalliopi Tsavaris working with Year 4 students focused on literacy and mathematics, and Year 5 students focused on mathematics.


Geva Mentor working with Year 2 students focused on mathematics.


Ongoing tutor monitoring of student growth throughout the program and continual connection with class teachers, reveals pleasing progress for our students who have already been on the tutor program. 


We hope all students enjoy the opportunities presented this term and, as always, welcome any feedback.


Cheryl Clarke

Literacy Leader and TLP Coordinator