
The art room has certainly been a hub of creativity this term, as our Semester two students have been busy completing their pieces for the upcoming Art Show. These activities have seen students explore sculpting - through the medium of clay and paper mache, printing - through the technique of mono prints and painting - through a study of Australian artist Sidney Nolan's - Ned Kelly series.
Our grade 6 students have embarked on their final piece for art, which is a surfboard inspired by Street Art. They have transferred their names and will spend term four completing this piece to be displayed at their Graduation Ceremony.
Our Grade 6 Extended Art Class has now concluded their time in the art room and we can't speak more highly of this wonderful group of students. They have been invaluable in creating many of the larger pieces of work for the art show. They have also worked collaboratively to paint two more panels to add to our art room ceiling space - a Claude Monet inspired piece and a Pier Mondrian piece. Well done guys, they will look fantastic on display and we can't wait to hang them after the art show. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our hardworking and dedicated Art Captains - Iris and Adela for all your extra help this year.
Mrs Derfi & Mrs Shave