Grade Four

We can’t believe the term has already come to an end! The students have been busy all term and they are looking forward to a well earned break.
In English, we have looked at a range of texts from different authors and discussed how the different sentence lengths engage our reader. We have done a lot of work on our sentence structure, focusing on the differences between simple and compound sentences. Students have then begun to implement that into their own writing pieces in an effort to slow down and speed up their plot.
Book Week was fantastic! The students finished their informative pieces on an animal inspired from their excursion to the Melbourne Zoo. They continued to look at a variety of ways that authors presented their informative texts and found new ways to publish their own. Students then came to school dressed as their animal with a fun fact about their animal pinned to their costume. It was fantastic to see the effort and creativity that went into their costumes. They all looked fantastic!
It has been a very exciting term with the Grade 4s starting our multi curricular unit which involved developing and designing a new bird garden for OPS. Students worked collaboratively in teams to create a map and corresponding budget which they presented to their class this week. The best group’s design in each class will be presented to a panel next term to decide the final chosen design. This garden will be built near the benches between the grade 4 classrooms.
In Maths, students have explored area and mapping to create a scaled map of their Bird Garden. Students also learnt how to calculate money and researched items from Bunnings to include in their budget of their design. In Integrated, students researched their materials and native plants that are suitable for a successful garden. They also gathered additional information on the birdlife surrounding OPS during our field trip around the retarding basin located behind the school. It has been a great experience for the students, who are well and truly bird garden experts now!
The Grade Four Team