Grade Three

Book Week Rocks!
It is hard to believe it is the end of term three! It has been a busy and exciting term enhanced with lots of wonderful whole school special events. Our students had a fantastic time during Book Week, and they enjoyed participating in activities surrounding the book Naturopolis by Deborah Frenkel and Ingrid Barkowiak.
Recently, the students also loved having their fathers, grandparents and special people visit the school. It was wonderful to see the absolute delight on their faces.
We appreciate and express our sincere thank you to all of you that were able to attend.
In the area of English, we have continued learning about the structure and features of information reports. More recently we have also revised persuasive text styles in reading and writing. Our weekly writers workshops continue to be popular with the students. It has been wonderful to see how enthusiastically the students are working through the entire writing process. It is exciting to publish our writing. We have also had a large focus on our handwriting. Many students have improved their formation of letters and placement on lines.
Many students are now receiving their joining license which is a wonderful achievement.
In Mathematics, mental computation remains a major focus. We play fun games and complete these activities on a daily basis. At this stage we have also been focusing heavily on ensuring our students have an automatic response to times table facts. We thoroughly enjoyed completing our ZOO unit. During the last month we have had a major focus on all concepts relating to Statistics and Probability.
It has been exciting to discover and investigate more about sustainability and our Earth. We have loved looking at Africa and South America. It has been wonderful to witness the curiosity of the students as they continue to discover more about biomes and endangered animals.
As this is the last week of term, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. See you all in term four!
The Grade Three Team