Principal's Report

Time flies when you are having fun and it is hard to believe that my time at Thornbury is just about over. I would like to thank the school community for allowing me the opportunity to guide the school through this transition phase. It has been wonderful to see the physical changes happening at the school over the past 6 months. With the completion of the grounds so close, Term 4 should be wonderful, with access open to the full site once again.


The second half of Term 3 has been absolutely packed with activities. We have had the film production continuing with students spending the day (and much of the night) at Narrandjeri Stadium to shoot the key scenes for the finale. Book Week was a big success again with activities and games taking place throughout the week including our annual book week costume day on the Wednesday, the English department really did themselves proud with their homage to Barbieheimer, hopefully you have seen the photos on the school’s facebook page. 


Our Health and PE faculty also had a week long celebration of all things healthy in week 9, including special guest speakers for our students and a very colourful colour run for our Year 7 students on Thursday. According to Mr Oosterloo we have had no complaints about coloured powder on student’s uniforms so hopefully it all came out in the wash. 


For our teaching staff the focus has continued to be on the first 10 minutes of each class and how we maximise relationships, climate and learning at the very beginning of each lesson. Drop ins, where teachers are able to visit each other’s classes to observe, have been very popular and everything we have learnt this year will be carried forward for the further development of the program next year. We have also had a couple of our leading teachers work with teachers as instructional coaches in a trial of a program we want to expand next year.


We need to congratulate our assistant principal Tayatea Mackenzie who has been appointed to a new position at Maribyrnong College starting next year. Tayatea has worked at Thornbury for the past 7 years as our Head of Maths and currently as AP. She will definitely be missed by the school but we wish her all the best for her next adventure.


Our Italy tour leaves on Saturday. This group of dedicated teachers and students are going to immerse themselves in all things Italian over the next 3 weeks. We wish them a safe and exciting journey, full of incredible learning experiences.


Once again, thank you very much for having me as part of this great community for the past 2 terms. Have an enjoyable term break and I hope you all have a great end to the year.


Adam Cribbes

Acting Principal