Time in Lieu

At Glenroy Secondary College, teachers and ES staff are entitled to time in lieu. 


This applies where Teachers are required to attend structured school activities that fall outside their normal attendance hours, and for ES when they are required to undertake work in excess of the employee’s ordinary hours of duty. If the additional hours will unreasonably affect personal or family commitments the staff member may request not to undertake the work and the request will only be refused on reasonable grounds.

Teaching Staff

Time in lieu (TIL) will be granted to a teacher where attendance is required at a structured school activity outside the normal hours of attendance (i.e., in excess of 38 hours for a full-time teacher and pro-rata for a part-time teacher). TIL will accrue for the period of time that a teacher’s required attendance is greater than the normal hours of attendance.


Every effort will be made for time in lieu to be taken in the fortnight in which it is accrued. Where that is not possible, TIL will be acquitted before the end of the school year in which it was accrued, otherwise VGSA 2022 clauses 24(8)(c) and (e), and 24(9)(d) will apply.  As an alternative to TIL, the principal and a teacher may agree to payment for TIL owed at the teacher’s normal rate of pay. All time in lieu will be recorded via eduPay. 


Unless otherwise agreed between the principal and the staff member, if TIL is not granted by 1 March of the following school  year, the staff member may elect to take the time  owed commencing immediately or receive pay at time and a half (150%) of the employee’s normal rate of pay.

Education Support staff

Time in lieu will be accrued when an ES works in excess of their normal hours of duty. This will only occur when the work is unavoidable and reasonable notice is provided.  As an alternative to time in lieu an ES and the principal can agree to payment for TIL at the ES’s normal rate of pay where the time in lieu was for work performed within the normal  span of hours (7am–6pm). Where the time in lieu was accrued for work performed outside the normal span of hours, then it will be paid at 150% of the employee’s normal rate of pay. All TIL will be recorded via eduPay. 


Unless otherwise agreed between the principal and the staff member, if TIL is not granted by 1 March of the following school  year, the staff member may elect to take  the time  owed commencing immediately or receive pay at time and a half (150%) of the employee’s normal rate of pay.

Required staff attendance

In 2024, the following structured school activities will require staff attendance:


Term 1:

Year level evenings

Date and time: 

Year 8/9 - 4-5pm Mon 12th February

Year 10 - 4-5pm Mon 12th February

VCE - 5-6pm Mon 12th February

Year 7 - 4-5pm Wed 21st February

Teaching Staff accrual: 30 minutes each


VCE info: 1 hour each



Staff Required:

Principal Team

Sub-School Leaders

Year Level Leaders

ES Staff accrual: 

Inclusion 3:30-**** (*** hours)

Office 4:30-7**** (*** hours)

Year 7 Camp (3 Days, 2 nights) 
Date and time: 7/2 to 9/2Teaching Staff accrual: 32 hours
Staff Required: As per supervision requirementsES Staff accrual: 32 Hours
Ramadan - IFTAR
Date and time: TBC, TBCTeaching Staff accrual: TBC
Staff Required:

ES Staff accrual: 

Inclusion 3:30-**** (*** hours)

Office 4:30-7**** (*** hours)

Term 2:

Sem 1 Parent Teacher Student Conferences

Date and time: 

Tuesday 30th April, 11am - 7pm

Teaching Staff accrual: None (movement of staff day)

Staff Required:

3 ES staff required

ES Staff accrual:

Inclusion 3:30-7:30 (4)

Office 4:30-7:30 (3)

(TBC) Open Evening
Date and time: TBC, TBC Teaching Staff accrual: 2.5 hours

Staff Required: 

All Staff

ES Staff accrual: 

Inclusion 3:30-**** (***)

Office 4:30-7**** (***)

Term 3:

Senior Information Evening
Date and time: Monday 22nd July, 4pm - 7pmTeaching Staff accrual:  2.5 hours

Staff Required:

Domain Leaders

Sub-school leaders

ES Staff accrual:  

Inclusion 3:30-7:00 (3.5)

Office 4:30-7:00 (2.5)

Year 9 Camp - Boys  (3 Days, 2 nights)
Date and time: Week 3, Term 3Teaching Staff accrual: 32 hours
Staff Required: As per supervision requirementsES Staff accrual: 32 hours
 Year 9 Camp - Girls (2 Days, 1 night)
Date and time: Week 3, Term 3Teaching Staff accrual: 16 hours
Staff Required: As per supervision requirementsES Staff accrual: 16 hours
Sem 2 Parent Teacher Student Conferences

Date and time: 

Tuesday 17th September, 11am - 7pm

Teaching Staff accrual: None (movement of staff day)

Staff Required:

3 ES staff required

ES Staff accrual:

Inclusion 3:30-7:30 (4)

Office 4:30-7:30 (3)

 Performing Arts and Technology Showcase
Date and time: TBCTeaching Staff accrual: TBC

Staff Required: 

Arts and Tech staff

ES Staff accrual:

Inclusion 3:30-7:30 (***)

Office 4:30-7:30 (***)

Term 4:

Year 12 Graduation

Date and time: 

Wednesday 13th November

Teaching Staff accrual:

Supervising Staff - 4 hours

Guests - none (Glenroy pay for ticket)

Staff Required:

Senior School Leader

Year 12 Leader

ES Staff accrual:

Supervising Staff - 4 hours

Guests - none (Glenroy pay for ticket)

Awards Afternoon

Date and time: 

Wednesday 4th December , 4-6:00

Teaching Staff accrual: 2 hours

Staff Required:

All Staff

ES Staff accrual:

Inclusion 3:30-5:30 (2)

Office 4:30-5:30 (1)

New Year 7 Info Night
Date and time: Tuesday 9th December, 4:30pm - 7pmTeaching Staff accrual: 2.5 hours

Staff Required:

Principal Team

Sub-school Staff

Transition team

ES Staff accrual: 

Inclusion 3:30-7:00 (3.5)

Office 4:30-7:00 (2.5)

Year 8 Camp - (3 Days, 2 nights)
Date and time: December 9 to December 11Teaching Staff accrual: 32 hours
Staff Required: As per supervision requirementsES Staff accrual: 32 hours

Time in lieu for camps

Time in lieu accrued during camps is dependent on the staff members’ roster, which will  be created by the camp organiser with the support of the daily organiser. Attendance at school camps will be calculated on the basis of 100% time in lieu for the time the teacher/ES is in attendance/performing duties in excess of normal hours and 50% for the time the teacher/ES is on call and available to perform duties.


For 2024, time in lieu for camps is accrued on the basis that all staff are on duty, as  outlined below.

 Attendance type
8:50 am – 4:50 pmNormal paid attendance
4.50 pm – 8:50 am16 hours ‘on duty’

Time in lieu – acquittal

Time in lieu accrued for attendance at student learning conferences is acquitted by varying attendance for the remainder of the week – i.e., shifting attendance time on the day of the conferences and reducing the number of meetings held that week.


Teachers and ES staff with accrued time in lieu in relation to other structured school  activities, such as camps, parent information BBQ, etc. can apply to take accrued time in lieu or seek payment by following the requirements set out in the VGSA 2022 clause 24(8) and (9).


For teachers, time in lieu is to be acquitted at a time that is least disruptive  to the educational program, and for ES at a time following consideration of the operational needs of the school. Where possible, TIL should be acquitted at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the teacher or ES and principal.


Where time in lieu is acquitted without CRT replacement, it will be provided at a time where the staff member does not need to be on site at the school, such as at the beginning or end of the school day. When a staff member is not required to attend work to perform duties (i.e., acquitting time in lieu) they will have the number of duties which are required, reduced, relevant to the TIL taken.

Pre-Cup Day

Pre-cup day is allocated as one of our curriculum days, and is tagged to assist in the acquitting of Teaching Staff TIL for the following activities:

7.5 hours acquitted by:
45 mins accrual for completion of the Staff Opinion Survey
45 mins Protecting Children and other legal obligations (mandatory reporting)  
20 mins Manual Handling 
25 mins anaphylaxis 
15 mins Ergonomics  
15 mins Slips, Trips and Falls prevention
15 mins OH&S for employees  
2 hours Awards afternoon
2.5 hours Open Night
Total: 450 minutes - 7 hours 30 minutes

Education Support staff may use this day to acquit TIL via arrangement with the Business Manager.