Other Information

Cultural responsibility and Aboriginal and/or  Torres Strait Islander staff

All staff at Glenroy Secondary College have a role in ensuring that the school is culturally  safe for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff, students, families and visitors.


Where an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff member agrees to undertake work that requires a cultural responsibility, the impact of that responsibility will be considered in the context of the employee’s duties and will be recognised  with time release and/or a special payment, in consultation with the staff member and consultative committee.


By the end of 2023, all staff will have had the opportunity to attend a school sourced and organised PL on Cultural Safety and Inclusion, within the normal meeting structure.


We commit to beginning each whole staff meeting with an Acknowledgement of Country.

Selection Panels

Selection panels for all staff positions (teachers and ES) will be formed for the purpose of making recommendations to the Principal. 


Selection panels for all staff positions (teachers and ES) will comprise a minimum of three people. At least one panel member will have merit and equity training, and provision will be made for gender representation. Where possible the panel should include  an employee from the same employment classification as the position being advertised.


Selection panels for all Leading Teacher, Learning Specialist and Assistant Principal positions (both substantive and Acting) will comprise a minimum of four people. This will include

  • The Principal or Principals delegate
  • A principal nominee
  • A union nominee
  • A staff nominee

At least one panel member will have merit and equity training, and provision will be made for gender representation. 

Accessing Professional Development  


All school staff – teachers, ES, and principal class – benefit from accessing professional learning relating to their area of work. Applications to undertake external  professional development should be completed using the Professional Learning module in COMPASS, and should submitted at least four weeks before the scheduled professional development.


The admin committee, in consultation with the Principal and relevant leaders, will decide on attendance within one week of receiving the application and advise the employee the outcome in writing.