Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

We continue to pray for peace in our world. In the words of the late Bishop Joe Grech, "Prayer is not the only thing, prayer is the first thing." Fr Joe shared these words with us last week at the Ecumenical Prayer for Peace. Each time I take a moment I think about the children who would much rather be sitting in a class learning than sitting in a bunker not knowing what was next. 

Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.

We thank our priests for celebrating this special moment with the children and their families. A huge thank you to Jess Doyle for coordinating the program for the first time and to the staff at the schools. Thanks also to our Religious Education Leader, Bre Levesque, for all her work in helping to lead the program for our school.


Our Book Fair has been very successful and I thank Nicole Keenan and her parent helpers for coordinating the event.


Altar Server Training for new and existing servers is at St. Brendan's Catholic Church tomorrow Saturday 21 October from 4pm - 5pm followed by pizza until 5:30pm.

The parish invited any school students who have received the Sacraments to be part of this gathering. Please RSVP Fr Jackson 5821 2633 or


After School Care

Uniting is going really well. They are in the process of recruiting more educators to service St. Luke's and other schools. Please forward to anyone who may be interested.

At Uniting Early Learning, we’re about nurturing confident and creative learners. We’re currently looking for an Outside School Hours Care Coordinator at our service in Shepparton. View the full position description and submit your application by 11 November 2023 at the link provided.


All teachers will be looking at uniform this coming week. We have two sport days and three school uniform days. These change at times and the teachers will communicate this.  We will ease rules for the swimming week and students may wear sport all week depending on the washing duties at home!

FYI the Year 5/6 classes will be looked at very closely as some children believe this does not apply to them. The sport uniform days are:

5/6 Liddell- Monday & Tuesday

5/6 Austen- Monday & Wednesday

5/6 Monk- Monday & Tuesday


Baby News

Marcus Ruggi (LSO) and his wife Kylie welcomed a little girl Layla Willow Ruggi. All doing well.

Swimming Program

We have not been able to offer the swimming program since November 2019. Covid and the floods last year. I don't want to jinx us, but I hope all goes well in a couple of weeks.

End of Year Dates

Please keep an eye on the School Calendar Page. Our final mass which includes the Year 6 Graduation component is at 12:30pm on Thursday 14th December. 


Have a great weekend.

David Keenan  - Principal