Important Information

Curriculum Days and Public Holidays for 2025


The following dates are student free days for our Curriculum Days.  

YMCA will run a program on these days and you can register with them at: or enquire by phone at  0418 195 782


Curriculum Days

  1. Friday 7 March
  2. Tuesday 5 August
  3. Monday 3 November

Public Holidays - School is closed on the following days.

  1. Monday 10 March - Labour Day
  2. Friday 25 April - Anzac Day
  3. Monday 9 June - Monarch's Birthday
  4. Wednesday 22 October - Geelong Cup

SSG's & Parent\Teacher Conferences

SSG's (Student Support Group Meetings) and Parent \ Teacher Conferences are taking place over the next 2 weeks.  Information has been sent out via Compass to book a time with your child's home group teacher.  


SSG bookings have now closed - if you have yet to book, please contact your child's home group teacher directly to organise a time.


Parent \ Teacher Conference bookings remain open until Wednesday 19/2/2025.

Multiple Permissions

Each family will have received an event called Multiple Permissions which is sent out at the start of each school year.  These permissions are valid for 2025 school year. 


Please complete on Compass for each child and advise the office immediately should you wish to withdraw or change your permissions.


These Multiple Permissions cover the following:

Watching a PG Movie

Participating in Local Excursions or Walks

Head Lice Checks

Having photo taken for social platforms \ advertising


Internet access for online teaching tools


Medical Details

It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to notify the school of any changes to a student's medical details.



It is departmental policy that your child\ren attends school unless they are unwell. If your child\ren is\are absent, please notify the school via Compass (preferred) or call the school office on 5218 5100.


School Dress Code

Students are required to wear the Armstrong Creek School compulsory school uniform at all times. Please notify the school if they are unable to meet this requirement at any time.