Hello from P

Prep H have had a wonderful start to the year. We have been playing lots of games to help build our social skills and make new friends.


What Prep H says is the best thing about school!

EmiliaPlaying in the classroom
ImogenPlaying with the doll house
BaileyPlaying with Ethan
Henry FFruit stop
ConnorGoing outside
Lily GSpending time with my teachers
RoryPlaying outside
LeoThe canteen
PiperPlaying with my friends
EthanPlaying with Bailey
Henry MPlaying cars
MaleahIce Cream from the canteen
EllaWatching Pevan and Sarah videos
LuxeHelping Mrs Hansted
CharleeListening to my teachers
ZacDoing activities in my scrapbook
KennedyPlaying with my friends outside
Lily TSnack time and play time



In Maths we have been exploring numbers and shapes. We learnt the importance of the number zero and had our very own zero the hero teddy visit us for 10 days of school!



We have started learning letters in our UFLI program. We have even learnt how to spell some new words with the sounds we know! We have also been practising writing our name using one capital letter at the beginning.