Specialist Subjects
Science / Music / Arts / PE
Specialist Subjects
Science / Music / Arts / PE
We have started our PE program with Tennis skills and drills and mini games for the grade 3- 6 students in preparation for the grade 5 /6 Interschool sport competition coming up later this term. Students are welcome to use the nets, balls and racquets at recess and lunchtimes also.
Prep- 2 are working on developing their motor skills with a wide variety of mini activities which change each week. They work in small groups to develop teamwork and to ensure they are active for the whole hour session. They love playing games as well and we alternate these constantly. It develops a strong sense of fair play and cooperation.
On Friday we have hockey clinics for all classes with the Waverley Hockey Club - they are having a come and try day on Saturday Feb 15 - see the advertising section for the flyer and further details. Ashwood Reserve cnr Winbirra Parade & High Street Rd. 9am start.
I hope you have had a good start to 2025
Take care,
Meredith Thornton