Year 5/6 Report

Term 1 2025

Welcome Grade 5 and 6 families! 

We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are excited for the new year ahead!


Grade 5/6 teachers for 2025 are: 

5/6 A   Ms Mikala  Room Room 12

5/6 B   Mrs Awada   Room 11

5/6 C   Mrs Elia  Room 13

5/6 D   Mr Ly    Room 14

5/6 E   Miss Richardson and Ms Iovannella    Room 15


Start Up 2025

Students have spent the first 2 weeks of school conducting our Start Up unit. Through these two weeks each class sets up expectations and routines for our classrooms and school so that we are ready to learn in the best environment possible. 



This Term in Literacy, Grade 5/6 students will analyse, critique and unpack print and digital advertisements. During Writing sessions, students will explore the advertising strategies used in everyday media to create their own advertisement and marketing campaign for a variety of products and services.  Together we will discover why and how advertisements are made, who they are targeted at, how their slogans are created and what language techniques advertisers use to sell a product.  


In Numeracy this Term, Grade 5/6 students will begin the year by building upon their place value knowledge. Students will use this knowledge and a variety of place value strategies to problem solve real world questions. Students will then begin to explore the concept of decimal numbers, exploring these numbers in real life. Students will play new fluency games, work through problem solving strategies and apply these to real world problems. 


During Inquiry in Semester 1, students are to explore and understand the features and strategies of a successful business.  An inquiry into researching and marketing what it takes for a business to create and market and product or service that is successful in making a profit.  Students will learn the importance of needs and wants and how products are advertised and then sold to consumers. Students will have opportunities to learn about common marketing strategies used and research popular business today. 


  • School begins at 8:50am each day
  • Hats must be brought to school and worn each day
  • 10 March 2025 Labour Day (Public Holiday)