Year 3/4 Report

Term 1 2025

Welcome to Grade 3/4! 

Mr Penhall, Miss Lay, Miss Bianca, Ms Monsone and Mr Antonio are looking forward to working with you all this year!



This Term in Reading and Writing, the Grade 3/4s will be exploring the persuasive genre. We will be reading lots of texts that have lots of great persuasive language features. These texts will help us understand how an author persuades their audience.

The Grade 3/4s will use the examples they have read and apply these writing techniques to their very own persuasive texts, addressing their audience and convincing them to agree with their point of view.  


In Numeracy this Term, Grade 3/4s will develop their understanding of number and place value. We will play a variety of games and use many different tools like MAB blocks to read, write, make, order and rename numbers. Grade 3/4s will then use their place value knowledge and apply it to addition and subtractions in a variety of ways. 


In Inquiry this Semester, Grade 3/4s will learn about their place in our community. Students will learn about rules and laws and why these are made and why rules and laws are important in society. Students will then use their new knowledge to teach the younger years about why rules and laws are important. 


  • School starts at 8:50am each day
  • Bring and wear a hat during Term 1
  • Read at home for 20 minutes each night