Year 1/2 Report

Term 1, 2025


Welcome to Grade 1/2! We are very excited to start the new year and have a lot of fun and exciting learning experiences planned for students. The students have settled well into their routines through our start up program. Students have been learning how to work cooperatively in groups by participating in team-based activities and learning about the routines in the classroom and how we can create a fun, respectful and safe classroom through showing the school values. For the remainder of the term the 1/2 students will be working on the importance of resilience and a fixed and growth mindset.



During Term 1 in Literacy the student will,

  • be exploring the structure of recounts and understand the purpose of this text type 
  • be exploring a variety of language features and use them in their writing and setting goals to achieve their best 
  • learn strategies to help them develop fluency and confidence while reading by working on personal goals  
  • also continue to develop their letter sound knowledge and vocabulary through our word study program
  • be involved in exciting language experiences to expand their vocabulary and continue to practice their high frequency words.  



In Numeracy this term the students will, 

  • focus on counting and place value using concrete materials to show their thinking 
  • frequently be participating in open ended challenging maths tasks
  • be working on counting fluently forwards and backwards and using skip counting to identify patterns in numbers 
  • play numeracy games, use hands on manipulatives and ICT to engage them in their learning and explore numeracy concepts. 
  • also be learning about the days of the week and months of the year through exploring the calendar daily 
  • be given opportunities to identify and count down the days until special events at school and make real connections to their life.  


During Term Two in Inquiry, students will be learning about the topic, ‘Staying Safe as a Road User’, student will:

  • learn about the features of a road environment, the safety features of cars and how to be a safe passenger, the safest places to cross the road and how to use the Stop, Listen and Think process to cross roads safely
  • learn to identify the people who help keep us safe on roads, how their actions affect their safety and risks to avoid danger
  •  engage in a road safety incursion. 



  • School starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 - please make sure you are on time   
  • Please provide, drink bottle, fruit snack, lunch and recess snack each day   
  • Students are to bring their hats EVERYDAY. In Term 1, we have a No Hat, No Play policy to keep all students safe from the sun   
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence   
  • Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes and home readers   


Important dates:

  • Monday 10th march- Labour Day public holiday 
  • Friday 21st March- Harmony Day
  • Monday 31st March- Curriculum Day 
  • Friday 4th April- Colour run 

The Grade 1/2 Team  

Carla Asta (1/2A), Kirsty Peffers (1/2 B), Zahra Daghagheleh (1/2C), Chiara Mackay (1/2D)