Prep Report

Term 1, 2025

Welcome to Prep! Us prep teachers are very excited to start the new year and can’t wait to share lots of fun and exciting learning experiences with the students. We have been learning our new daily schedules this week as well as making new friends. Check out some of our learning goals for Term One below.





Throughout term 1 our learning goals are:


  • Start to make the connection between letters and sounds and develop their understanding of letters, words and sentences. 
  • Understand the concepts about print – front and back cover, spine, where to begin reading and the direction in which we read.
  • Set our reading goals e.g. point under the words.


  • Learning how to correctly write our name starting with a capital letter.
  • Retell familiar texts through use of illustrations.
  • Write about our language experience activities.


  • Develop correct pencil grip and posture.
  • Be introduced to correct letter formations.
  • Develop their fine motor skills.
  • Practise writing every day.

Speaking & Listening:

  • Respond and share feelings about texts, identifying favourite authors, stories and illustrators.
  • Students can express their wants and needs clearly, e.g., can I please have a drink of water. 


Home Reading and High Frequency Words

We have now started our home reader program. We ask parents to fill in the school diary as a reading record and return red bags every day. The High Frequency Words are an important part of our reading program at school. We will hand out these folders out at the meet the teacher interviews. Please practise these words with your child at home. Your child’s classroom teacher will test your child fortnightly and move them on to the next level when they are ready. 



  • Recognise, count, and make number up to 20.
  • Write numbers correctly.
  • Make and recognise patterns. 
  • Learn about the days of the week and our daily return.




  • Bring a healthy lunch and water bottle every day
  • Bring a fruit snack (vegetables or fruit)
  • Pack spare clothes in case of accidents
  • Bring your red bag each day
  • Please label everything your child brings to school (hats, lunch boxes, jumpers, jackets, bags, water bottles, etc.)
  • Please bring a labelled hat for students to wear at school
  • Please be in a complete uniform every day.


Important dates:

  • Meet the teacher: 11th and 13th February
  • Public Holiday, Labour Day: 10th March
  • School Photos: 14th February
  • Colour Run: 4th April