STEM Report

2025 has arrived and with it comes another exciting year in STEM. Welcome back to all students and parents in the Roxburgh Park community, we hope that you have enjoyed a relaxing break with loved ones.  


 It has been a positive start to the new year so far with students settling back into the school routines well through our RPPS start-up program. Specialist teachers have been focussing on entry/exit routines to help promote calm learning environments and enable students to get the most out of their specialist lessons. We have also been busy organising books, classroom expectations and resources to ensure a smooth transition into our Term 1 topics.  Have a look below to see what Term 1 will bring...


Prep: This term, Prep students will start the year by learning about the body's 5 senses. Our initial focus will be on listening and watching to help develop student's ability to follow instructions. Tuning their senses into the classroom environment and observing the world around them is a great way to develop awareness of routines and structures used every day at school.


Grade 1/2: This term, Grade 1/2 students will explore the Chemical Science world of materials and their properties. Students will use their prior knowledge to identify different materials and develop their sorting skills by comparing properties such as size, shape, texture and flexibility. They will use their understanding of different properties to help make choices when determining the suitable of different materials for a specific purpose.


Grade 3/4: This term, Grade 3/4 students will learn about the states of matter in their Chemical Science unit titled, 'Melting Moments'. They will investigate how changes in temperature can affect some materials and explore how changes in matter can also be used to solve problems such as waste recycling.


Grade 5/6: This term,Grade 6 students will be exploring the Solar System, in their Earth Science unit titled, 'Earth's place in space'. They will investigate how Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star and use their understanding to create their own digital models of the Solar System.