Visual Arts

with Ms Popovic

What a lovely start to the year we've had in the art room! Students are getting reacquainted with the space and behaviour expectations of Art lessons and are so far showing that they can really take care of all our wonderful resources. 


The whole school is working towards contributing a feather per student for murals in both the P-2 and 5-6 corridors. These will be depictions of Bunjil (a wedgetail eagle) and Waa the Crow from Wurundjeri dreamtime stories. 


Preps have begun by practicing fine motor skills by pinching and gluing tissue paper onto their feather. 

1/2s have played 'roll-a-pic' games, explored zentangle designs and are working on their fine motor skills by cutting tissue paper, and lightly pinching it to glue to their feather. 

Students in grade 3 through to grade 6 have had 2 lessons focusing on zentangle art. This involves concentrating on line, shape and pattern work and getting into a calm or meditative state. They are experimenting and exploring what they can do with these designs on their feather for the mural.