Physical Education & Sport 

with Miss Joannidis 

Welcome back RPPS!


We have an amazing start to the term by connecting with our new classmates through a variety of fun and active connection and team work based activities. All grades have worked closely together to complete tasks that require teamwork, communication and trust in each other. 

During weekly sport, our grade 5 & 6 students have been practicing in preparation for the weekly interschool sport competitions. The volleyball, basketball and teeball teams have been improving each session and are looking forward to competing in Week 4. 

Later this term, the focus for our prep to 2s will be on 'Moving and Understanding our Bodies.' Grades 3 & 4 will be looking at 'Health and Fitness games' while grade 5 & 6 will be looking into 'Skill Related Fitness Components.'




I would like to introduce you to our sports captains of 2025: Hala, Ibby, Murad & Tayme. We are very excited to have them on board, they will be assisting with various sport programs across the school. 



We have a free soccer program running in Term 1 with Football Victoria starting Monday 3:30pm in week 4 on the oval near the big gym until the end of the term. Please sign up at the office if you wish for your child(ren) to participate. Children will need to be supervised by at least one adult throughout the hour session. 


Looking forward to a great term ahead,

Andrea Joannidis

Physical Education Teacher