Rector's Report

Greetings! The 2025 Mazenod academic year is well underway with photos taken, sporting activities commenced, weekday morning Mass being celebrated, various camps being enjoyed, and the new Year 7 cohort settling into their new environment and routine. This Friday we will celebrate the high point of the college year as we take the rare opportunity to gather at St Patrick’s Cathedral at 7.30pm as an entire faith community to pray for and with each other as we ask God’s blessings on our students, teachers, staff, families, and friends for the year ahead.


Our college is pleased that Fr Andrew Chen OMI, newly elected Provincial Superior of the Australian Oblate Province / China Delegation, has accepted our invitation to be our main celebrant.


This celebration is also significant as it is the 25th anniversary since Fr John Sherman OMI, Principal/Rector at the time, initiated the move of the Inaugural Mass from the college surrounds to the Cathedral on February 11, 2000.  This is also a unique opportunity to experience the grandeur of our cathedral which we don’t often take advantage of.  I look forward to greeting you all on Friday. 

February 17 - Oblate Rule Approval

February 17 is known throughout the Oblate World as “Oblate Day.” It commemorates the day in 1826 when Pope Leo XII officially validated the work of Fr Eugene de Mazenod and his new Missionaries of Provence by officially approving their rule for life under the new title, The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. In 2026 the Oblates will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the approval of our rule. Thank you for all your prayers and support of the Oblates who have served and continue to serve in this college. 

2025 Mulgrave Oblate Community

As we celebrated Oblate Day on February 17, we took the opportunity for a picture of the 2025 Mulgrave Oblate Community who reside in the Oblate Residence at Mazenod College.  

L-R: Fr Harry (Rector – Mazenod College), Fr Anthony (Assistant Priest – St John Vianney, Springvale North), Fr Dominic (Mazenod College Chaplain), Fr David (Parish Priest – St John Vianney, Springvale North).

Davine Homeroom

This year we have welcomed a 10th Year 7 Pastoral Group to our college – 7 Davine – named in honour of Fr Kevin Davine OMI. Fr Kevin meet briefly with the students on Friday January 31 at the college with a promise to return for a more formal visit to speak with the class. Fr Kevin was Principal/Rector at Mazenod College, Victoria on two occasions: 1989-1995 / 1973- 1977.  On the 29th of July 1959, Fr Kevin created history by becoming the first Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate to be ordained in Australia.

Jubilee Year - 2025

Pope Francis announced that 2025 will be a Jubilee Year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in one’s personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world. The 2025 Jubilee Year began on December 24 (Christmas Eve) 2024 and will conclude on January 6, 2026.


Pope Francis writes: “Dear brothers and sisters, we will open the Holy Door, which we will begin the jubilee. I ask you to intensify your prayer to prepare us to live this event of grace well and to experience the power of God’s hope. That is why we begin a Year of Prayer.” The Holy Doors are a central part of any jubilee. These doors, found at St. Peter’s Basilica (left) and Rome’s other major basilicas, are sealed from the inside, and only opened during a jubilee year. The opening of the Holy Door symbolizes the offering of an “extraordinary path” toward salvation for Catholics during a jubilee. Pilgrims who walk through a Holy Door can receive a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions.

Some things to think about!!





Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate

Fr Harry Dyer OMI