Last week the Year 9's headed to Anglesea for a 3-day camp full of surfing, kayaking and adventure. The students had a great attitude and really threw themselves into every activity but the stand out was the way they interacted with one another and with staff. We were blown away by the care and concern they had for each other - they cheered one another on, helped each other and made sure no one was ever left out. 

They rose to every challenge and have come away from camp with stronger bonds and a greater sense of community. We are excited to walk alongside these students as they journey through the rest of Year 9. Enjoy some reflections from staff and students who were on the camp:



Recently I had the privilege of attending the Year 9 camp. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, I greatly enjoy interacting with the students and there is no better way to do this than on a school camp. I was really impressed with our students and their willingness to wholeheartedly participate in the activities. I particularly enjoyed the surfing sessions during the camp and managed to go surfing with the students a total of three times. One evening we also went for a hike down to Anglesea Beach, and I quickly took this photo, which caught our students walking into a captivating light. It was truly a spectacular sight and a great metaphor of how we need to be walking in the light of Christ. I trust that the students enjoyed the experience and have many fond memories of the trip. - Mr Peter Cliffe


I was excited about trying new activities, particularly ocean kayaking. I had a lot of fun- Mealea


Camp was really fun, I loved the opportunity to make new friendship and try new things. Surfing, kayaking, high ropes and loving friendships all around which have been full of encouragement- Ariel


It’s been a great way to get to know other people and settle into Year 9 - Evelina

Despite not having much sleep, I loved surfing and ocean kayaking and working together with my friends -George T 


Trying new things and pushing out of comfort zone has been fun. Appreciate the support from friends - Bohdi


I really enjoyed the surf camp. The activities, the food, the accommodation, overall the whole camp was really fun- Evie


Some advice for the next Year 9s is to have a go at every activity because you will regret it if you don't - Vanya


Year 9 is the best camp I have ever been on. I enjoyed every single activity without a complaint, most people including myself found the high ropes challenging because it was windy, but the experience was worth it! - Em


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