Student Awards

Student of the Week Awards

1BMyles LFor showing kindness and respect during the first week of school. Superstar!
1DMolly B For helping around the classroom, and participating in every discussion. Keep it up!
2RMaya SSettling into 2R so wonderfully. We love having you in our class, Maya!
2/3QLivy GFor making a fabulous start to Year 3 and being an excellent role model for your classmates.
3HJoshua AFor being an excellent role model in the classroom and setting a great example, especially during floor time.
3OAngus JFor a wonderful start to Year 3, demonstrating respect and contributing great ideas during class.
4MAbigail ZMaking a great start at POPS and being a delightful part of our classroom. Well done!
4PLyla BFor being helpful and happy
4/5GSienna SContributing her creative ideas to her team during our survival island challenge.
5MScarlett WFor showing enthusiasm and leadership during Survival Island. Well done! 
6DSienna HFor being a fantastic role model and showing excellence by helping out the class with our POPS Paper project. Well Done Sienna.
6IMakaela GFor coming into year six ready to learn, showing leadership skills and with a positive mind set. 
ArtEverly SFor her clever drawing and careful colouring of her tree.