Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensure that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We thank you for your ongoing financial commitment.
All parent payment school contributions are accessible through the Sentral Parent Portal. Alternatively payment can be made via BPAY, direct debit or payment at the general office.
If you are having trouble paying via the Sentral Parent Portal, please ensure the “save my card details” option is unticked, or contact the General Office for support.
Part payments are welcome. Please contact Brooke Baker if you wish to discuss a payment plan.
Camps, sporting events and excursions are extra charges that may arise during the year which are not listed on student booklists. For Mortlake College to provide these opportunities, payment is required prior to the event taking place. Families that hold a current Health Care Card may be eligible for the Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) and these funds can be used to pay for any camps, sporting events or excursions (including visiting artists). CSEF forms are available from the General Office. If you think you may be eligible, please call the office and we can send a form home for you to sign and return.
The CSEF amounts for 2025 that families may be entitled to are $150 for primary students, and $250 for secondary students.
The School Saving Bonus is also available to all Mortlake College students and may be used for camps, sports and excursions (including visiting artists). Families will need to login to the SSB Parent Portal using the unique code supplied by the Department of Education and allocate some or all of their funds to “Activities”. The school will then be able to use these funds to pay for these activities / events. Please refer to the SSB Parent / Carer User Guide which was sent home with all families last year. Alternatively, please contact Brooke Baker for support.
All uniform must be paid for prior to receiving.
The School Saving Bonus is available to all Mortlake College students and may be used for uniform. We are aware of an issue with the allocation of SSB funds to uniform through the SSB Parent Portal. Until this issue has been resolved, you may complete a form at the General Office authorising the school to use SSB funds when they are available. Once this form has been completed, you will be able to take your uniform items home.
Mortlake P12 College
BSB: 063 533
ACC: 10943112
Reference: Family Surname
Please do not hesitate to contact me on 55992204, or simply pop in and see me if you have any questions regarding your financial contributions.
Brooke Baker
Business Manager