Car Parking & Traffic Control

Hi All

For those that were unable to make it to Parent/Teacher Interviews today,  just a little information regarding the works being conducted at Mortlake College.

During the summer holidays you will notice a lot work work as been conducted around the school with the major works on the Activity Centre still to come over the next few weeks.

Due to this The 'Drop Off/Pick Up Zone' has been closed to all parents, for Thursday 30th & Friday 31st January. We also ask that parents not park behind the Activity Centre as this area is not supervised and children can run behind/in front of cars blind spots, making it a high hazard zone. 

We encourage parents to utilse the car parking at the east end of the school entrance. Or with the weather being so lovely at the moment, enter the school grounds from the Tea Tree Lake Entrance.

Please be aware that there will be new parents with little children starting over the next couple of days, so if your children are older and more capable, please leave the closer parking for our little ones. 

We thank you for your co-operation with the safety of your children and the inconvenience that the works may be causing.

If you have any concerns, please contact the General Office


Please read the following safety information. At Mortlake College we stive to keep all students and parents safe within our school environment.

This applies to all families at the school - please pass on to extended family members who may collect your children.


Parents are reminded that the staff car parks at the eastern end of the school & eastern side of the Activity Centre are not to be used for parents to drop off or pick up children. There are serious safety concerns with cars reversing out of parks in that area.

The grassed area on the west side of the Activity Centre is also not a car park area for families to use for school pick ups because our PE classes use the rear doors of the gym to access the oval and athletics area (long/triple jump pits) and therefore it is a safety issue.


For traffic management and safety we ask you to not park in these areas and we thank you for your co-operation.


We have a number of car parks available for parents in front of the school and in front of the Activity Centre.  There is also a large grassed area down at Tea Tree Lake that parents are able to use. (Please see the map below)


Drop Off & Pick Up Zone


This is for all families to either drop children off or pick up children from school but in order to maintain traffic flow we do ask that families to not park and exit the vehicle.

If you wish to exit the vehicle for any reason, please use the car parking areas stated above.


If you are in the Drop Off Zone, your child must only enter or exit the car when you are in front of the Activity Centre from the passenger side doors.


For everybody's safety students are to follow the pedestrian crossings at all times.


We encourage you to talk to your children regarding using the safety crossings and waiting in front of the Activity Centre for you to enter the drop off zone.