We ask if your child is going to be away that we have the 'SAME DAY RESPONSE' from parents or a notification beforehand. if you require assistance please call the General Office
Contact details
There are times when we will need to contact you, including on the day if your child is absent and you haven't informed the school as to why. Do we have your most up to date contact details? If not, please contact the school on Sentral Parent Portal or via phone 03 5599 2204, so we can update our records. Please include parent/carers' name, address, phone numbers, email address and emergency contact details. Please remember to contact the school if any of these details or your circumstances change.
Notify the school of your child's absence
Protecting the safety and well-being of children through the reporting and monitoring of absenteeism is the responsibility of both parents/carers and schools.
Please remember to call the school on 03 5599 2204 or log your child's absence via Sentral Parent Portal early in the morning if your child is going to be away or late for school so your child's absence can be recorded correctly.
For further information on the processes and procedures our school uses to record, monitor and follow-up student attendance and absence please read our Attendance Policy on the school website.
Same-day notification of unexplained student absences
Our school will send an SMS or Sentral Parent Portal you as soon as practicable on the day if a student is not at school and you haven't notified the school as to why. If you are notified by the school that your child is away without a reason, please contact us as soon as possible by phone call the school on 03 5599 2204 or log your child's absence via Sentral Parent Portal to let us know where your child is. If we cannot reach you because we don't have your correct contact details (i.e.: message notification fail, disconnected number), then we will make contact with any emergency contact/s nominated on your child's file held by the school, where possible, on the same day of the unexplained absence.
Please remember it is your responsibility to contact us to provide an explanation for your child's absence from school, and where possible, please inform us in advance of upcoming absences