Principal's Report 


Welcome to the 2025 school year! 

I am thrilled to welcome back our students and staff, especially those who are new to the Mortlake College community. I am very pleased to share that we have enjoyed an extremely positive and enthusiastic start to the school year.


Our staff had a brilliant first day back together last Tuesday, with a focus on setting the scene for 2025. 

We pride ourselves on our commitment to a positive staff and school culture.  We do this by honouring and adapting to different work styles, following agreed work behaviours, engaging in genuine dialogue and contributing to a psychologically safe workplace. These are the foundation of the way we work together, so that we can get the best out of every staff member and ultimately achieve whole school learning and wellbeing goals, and work at our best for your children and families. 


There are lots of building works taking place throughout this term, so please ensure you stay updated with this progress and requirements. We are all really excited abut the upgrades that will be taking place to the Activity Centre (Gymnasium). We are always working hard to keep our school neat and well-maintained, and I’m grateful to our school cleaners and our maintenance team (led by Brad Tanner) for their efforts in preparing our school for the return of our students.


Much of the preparation and planning that we put in place last year has meant that we have been able to get straight into learning and support our students to achieve their very best this year.

I would like to commend all our families in supporting our students to be in correct uniform and on time. 


A big welcome to new members of staff 

Mrs Natasha Butler: Year 4-5

Mrs Kalsea White: Primary Physical Education

Miss Kaitlyn Fowler: Primary Sport + Integration

Mr Callum Hancock: Integration

Mr Nathan Jones has also returned to the College and has resumed his role in Leadership and VCE/VM Coordinator. 


I would also like to welcome families and students who are new to our school in 2025

Mortlake College successfully supports students in Prep through to Year 12. It is pleasing to note that student enrolment numbers haven’t significantly changed from 2024 to 2025, and that fifteen Prep students have started their educational journey with us this year. 

It was great to see many families taking the opportunity to meet with staff that support the learning/social emotional needs of their child at our Student Learning Conferences held last Wednesday. 

Just a reminder that you do not need to wait for a special day/time to meet with your child’s teacher/s, this can take place via an appointment at any time throughout the school year. 


Hot Weather

Over the coming weeks, there are many days that will be extremely warm. Please ensure that your child has a wide brimmed hat, and a refillable water bottle. Sunscreen is available at school. If your child has a sensitivity to sunscreen, we suggest that you supply your own.

Please know that we do not send students outside at recess and lunchtime in extreme weather. Students stay inside where it is airconditioned. 



Important Dates

Please continually check Sentral and the newsletter for important dates, student information, and highlights of events.

Important dates for Term 1:

  • Tuesday February 11th: Mortlake College House Swimming Sports (Students in Years 3-12)
  • Wednesday February 26th: Year 7-10 Immunisations
  • Monday March 3rd: School Photos
  • Tuesday March 11th: Curriculum Day – All staff attending Professional Learning (No school for students on this day)
  • Wednesday March 12th: Prep students start school on a Wednesday
  • Wednesday March 12th: NAPLAN Testing begins for students in Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, and Year 9.
  • Tuesday March 25th: Mortlake College House Athletics Sports (All Students)
  • Wednesday March 26th to Friday March 28th: Year 5-6 Camp (Sovereign Hill)
  • Friday April 4th: Last Day of Term 1 


Arriving at School

A friendly reminder that school classes run from 9:00am to 3:20pm.

  • Morning Arrival: Students should arrive between 8:40am and 8:50am, when the buildings are open. Classes begin promptly at 9:00am.
  • Afternoon Pick-up: Students should be collected at 3:20pm.

Please note that staff supervision is not available outside these times, in line with our Child Safe Policies. Students should not be arriving at school any earlier and leaving later that these times. Students should not be at the College outside these hours unless involved in a particular program as there is no supervision provided.



All absences need to be reported to the College. The easiest way for you to let the College know if your child is away - through the Sentral Parent Portal.

You can also call the College– 5599 2204 and leave a message. Remember a message will be sent to the nominated mobile telephone number for all unexplained absences.

If students are late to school, they must sign in at the General Office. If leaving the College for appointments etc. students must sign out at the General Office. Students cannot sign out from the College without parent/guardian approval and the parent/guardian must come in and collect the student from the General Office.

Please remind students that if they are feeling unwell at school, they are to go to the office, and they will be assessed by a First Aid Officer. 

Students ARE NOT to call home directly; it is our Duty of Care to ensure the safety of your child, and if necessary, the school will contact you directly if your child needs to be sent home. 


Visitors to the College

All visitors must report to the General Office. The Administration Staff will find and contact students in the case of an emergency.


Welcome Prep Students 

There is always a buzz of excitement and joy on the first day of a new school year. 

We warmly welcome our new 2025 Prep Students and their families to Mortlake College. 

Our new Prep Students are always a highlight for our caring school community and have brought with them a delightful sprinkle of enthusiasm and energy.

Mrs Reichman and all staff are eager to begin their learning program and are looking forward to watching each student thrive throughout their first year at school. 



Last Thursday and Friday I had the pleasure of attending camp with our Year 11 and 12 students at Deakin University. This opportunity included guest speakers, goal setting, wellbeing, and team building activities, to ensure that these young adults were provided skills and strategies on how best to navigate these important years and beyond.

A huge appreciation to all staff who attended, and a special thank you to Jenni Goddard, Kerry Boyden and Liz Fowler who organised this opportunity for our students. 


Welcome Grace Kruger

At the end of the school year, Mrs Natasha Kruger welcomed the early, but safe arrival of her new little bundle of joy, Grace (Gracie) Kruger. We wish them all the best as they enjoy navigating this new and exciting chapter in their lives. On behalf of our whole college community, we congratulate them and wish them all the best.



Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to school

Parents/carers are reminded that the Department of Education and Training does not provide personal accident or ambulance cover for students. Parents and carers of students, who do not have private health insurance or ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for their injured child.

Private property brought to the college by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department is not responsible for any loss or damage. This can include mobile phones, calculators, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises.   It is recommended that parents/carers consider insurance policies that can be purchased from commercial insurers.


Sentral and School Website

A reminder to use our website to guide you and provide information when something is unclear, or to send a message on Sentral or contact the school directly if additional clarification is required. 



We are very excited for the year ahead and look forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow. Bring on 2025 – let’s make it great together!





Linda Mooseek

Mortlake P-12 College Principal