Prep Team

Prep Newsletter - Term 1


Our 2025 Prep students have had an amazing start to their learning journey at Orchard Park Primary School. 


Learning to Learn:

Students began the year by getting used to their surroundings and starting their day by playing with various resources within our learning community. These first two weeks have been heavily focused on getting to know one another and setting up familiar routines that will set them up for some fantastic experiences as they learn. Students have practised lining up, putting away bags, getting lunch out, exploring the school grounds and even l

looking for the green sheep! 




This year our new approach to Core Literacy has begun with students learning how to say, read and write sounds. We have established some excellent mini whiteboard routines where our Preps have been practising their letter formation. In English we have read some books related to starting school and have laughed together at Wombat Goes to School and The Pigeon Has to Go to School while learning about characters and settings. 





Our Preps have been busy exploring numbers up to 5 in Maths! Using hands-on materials, they are counting, sorting, and experimenting with different ways to order and compare numbers. We have been singing number songs, playing games and practising writing numbers up to 5. 





It’s great to see how enthusiastic and engaged our Preps have been and we can’t wait to see the fantastic growth they make throughout the term. 


                                   Prep Team - Katie Koulouris, Kathy Barley and Amanda Vigilanti