Volunteer to be a Class Liaison
Each year we ask for parent volunteers across the school to become the class liaison for their child's grade. This role is a great one if you want to contribute to the school community without having to be at the school at a particular time! In general, the class liaison is a communication link between the parents of the class and the school/teacher.
What’s Required
- You may be asked to send an email/communication out to your class from the school administration or your class teacher a few of times a term (e.g., reminders regarding Art For All, working bees, information nights, school picnics, etc.) and class level communications.
- Classes have a WhatsApp group too, so you would need to set this up/be the administrator. The school will provide you with contact details to facilitate the process.
- Liaisons organise a year level parent get-together. Work with your fellow year-level liaisons to book a location (e.g. Grandview Hotel, Moon Dog World, Terminus Hotel, etc.) and send out an invite to the parents in your class.
Sign Up to be a Class Liaison
Thanks to the many people who have volunteered to date! We need liaisons for the following classes:
- 1C: Tam Shama
- 2A: Michele Fraser
- 4C: Katie Hickey
- 4D: Prue Middleton
- 5A: Blake Hereen
- 5B: Faye Söderström
- 6B: Conor Markey
If you are interested in being a class liaison for your child’s class, please volunteer here by Friday 7 February.