President: Megan Mallett
Vice President: Margaret Francis
Secretary: Mel Doherty
Treasurer: Mary Molloy
Uniform Shop: Denise Tom
President: Megan Mallett
Vice President: Margaret Francis
Secretary: Mel Doherty
Treasurer: Mary Molloy
Uniform Shop: Denise Tom
Last Friday, we hosted an evening out for new families to get to know one another. We had a great turnout with more than 40 parents attending. It looks like it will be a fun year, given many didn’t want the party to end!
Thank you to those who have volunteered to help out. Please sign up here for the time slots you can help with on both Monday, 3 March and Tuesday, 4 March. Alternatively, reach out to Megan or Danni (picstjohnsheidelberg@gmail.com) or the school office to sign up.
More items have been added to the second-hand uniform shop on our PIC square site: https://st-johns-pic.square.site/
The PIC hosts many events throughout the year, many of which include fundraising. But what are we fundraising for?
In 2022, the school completed a rejuvenation of the outdoor space, with new playgrounds put in. The PIC has committed to an annual contribution of $10,000 towards the playgrounds’ loan. Every year, we aim to fundraise enough to cover that commitment, as well as host events to enrich the school community and fulfil teachers’ and students’ wish lists.
The first item from the wish lists is a set of drying racks for all the artistic masterpieces the children create. As the SRCs start their meetings, we will also aim to fulfil some of the students’ wishes.
Thank you for your support of the PIC!
We would love your help with any of the events below. We have plenty more ideas in the works, but we need volunteers to help run them. Please get in touch if you are able to help. picstjohnsheidelberg@gmail.com
Tuesday, 4 March | Shrove Tuesday PIC will prepare pancakes for students. |
Tuesday, 18 March | PIC Meeting 9:00am at the school. Everyone welcome. |
Monday, 31 March | Easter Raffle Draw More details to come. |
Friday, 2 May | Mother’s Day Stall This save-the-date is for the Dads. This year we will look for dads to help man the stall. We will send more info shortly. |
Friday, 16 May | Mother's Day Lunch Save the date, Mums! More details to come. |
Term 3: (Date TBC) | Parents Evening If you would like to get involved in planning a fun night out for parents, please get in touch. |
Term 4: 7 November | Colour Fun Run The Colour Fun Run returns! More details to come |