eLearning News

Frank Cotela, eLearning Leader

nForma Parent App Update... Entering Absences

On the nForma Parent Portal - whether you are using the App or the web-based version - parents can now enter their child's absence on the electronic roll. 



  1. Open the nForma Parent App or log onto the web version of the Portal
  2. Click on your child's profile
  3. Click on "Mark Attendance"
  4. Complete each field and then press "Submit".

Please note: If your child's absence from school is due to an extended family holiday, this should be discussed with the principal in advance per the Education Training and Reform Act 2006 (Vic.) (the Act) and the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Vic.).

NAPLAN - Headphones

The 2025 National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be held from Wednesday, March 12 to Monday, March 24.  The students will have a practise test on Friday.


A mandated requirement is that students participating in the assessments (Years 3s and 5s) have headphones. 


Please ensure that your child has a set of headphones that work with a 3.5 mm audio jack. Please do not send Bluetooth headphones to school. 

Year 5 Pen Pals

In STEM/Digital Technologies, the Year 5s have been working hard on composing letters to their Pen Pals in Colombia. I want to thank parents for supporting their children while completing this home-learning task. 


We will send our letters this week, and soon, we will receive replies. Carnival is being celebrated in Colombia at the moment, and the students there are returning to school this week.  


These online exchanges are a fantastic way for our students to learn about another culture from children their age. In upcoming newsletters, we will keep you posted on what we discover from our peers overseas.

STEM / ART ROOM / Lunch Time Club Room

This week, the STEM room was closed for renovations as work began to transform it into a more functional space for STEM and Art. We are only at the day two mark, and the room already looks much improved. Here is a photo from just before work commenced and how it looks currently. We will keep you posted as work continues. While the renovation is in progress, the lunchtime clubs operating in the STEM room will be temporarily on hiatus.

Before work commenced.
Before work commenced.
Day 2 of the Renovation
Day 2 of the Renovation