3/4 Learning Community

We're following the Gleams!

The spaces have been named and decorated!



We have had a huge focus on wellbeing through practising our Gleams. We have learned to recognise body language and facial cues when knowing how others are feeling so that we can know how to respond ourselves. We have introduced our calm spaces and learned that these spaces are designed and used to return to the Green Zone ready for learning. 



In Reading we have been practising Making Connections to the books we read. We have used our Just Right books to make text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world connections. Some of us didn’t know that there was a fourth connection which is text to media! We have read lots of persuasive texts to help us know the structure of persuasive writing. We have used the writing process to plan and draft and begin to publish a letter to the Moonee Valley Council about how they can improve the Windy Hill space. We even went for a local walk over to Windy Hill to spark some ideas and to see the space! We have made sure to use persuasive devices and structure to be extra convincing. We have also worked on different ways we can be persuasive including convincing our parents to do or give us something!



In Maths we have continued to investigate and explain whole numbers, order them and also how to round them to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand. Using number lines have helped us to map out the number to then apply the rounding strategy. We have begun to practise addition strategies like jump and split strategy and how to use vertical algorithms to check our answers. 

Assembly Gleam Awards

Well done to the students who were recognised for their achievements in their learning. Also a huge well done to our Community Captains who did an excellent job speaking at their first Assembly. 


From the 3/4 Learning Community