School News

Compass Kiosk - Front Reception

We have installed the new Compass Kiosk that will be used for the following:

  • Visitor Sign in/out
  • Late arrivals
  • Early pick up

Parents please note that Late Arrivals and Early Pick Ups are now self service and you will need to use the Kiosk at front reception and then take the print out straight to class to drop off/pick up your child.

Fishing Rods

Last year the Department of Education and Fisheries Victoria collaborated to provide free fishing rods/supplies to the 2023 Year 5 cohort. Some families did not yet pick up their packs so if your child was in year 5 in 2023 and did not pick up your pack - please pop into the office to collect by Friday so we can distribute what is left.


Late School Photo Orders

Smile Squad is back - TERM 1

Smile squad will return in Term 1. If you missed them last year or wanted another check up for your child please register them below using the QR Code.

The dates are: 

Exams – 04/03 – 27/03/2024 (term 1 )

Treatment truck –  17/04- 15/05/2024 (term 2)

TODAY - Road Safety Study - Stage 2 Consultation

Please note that a pop up information session will be held at Alphington Primary School on Wednesday 14th February at 3.30pm - 5pm. 

Yarra City Council will consult with the community about the suggested treatments from the Road Safety Study last year.

Please visit the following link for more information:

Safer streets - Alphington | Your Say Yarra

National Ride2School Day - Yarra City Council

In the lead up to key events such as National Ride2School Day, council have arranged a free session of bike checks for students to get ready. A bike expert will be engaged to conduct these checks.

The 2 days when a bike expert will be onsite to check the safety of your bike will be:

  • Thursday 22 Feb and Wednesday 20 Mar

This is a free service. More details closer to the dates.

Lunch time Multi Cultural Dance/Movement

Thursdays STARTS 15th FEB

Emilio from Ela Rose will start multicultural dance lessons during lunch times on Thursdays. These will start on 15th Feb and there are still spaces available. Available to children from Year 1 - 6. Register direct with Emilio Ela Rose by following the QR code below or emailing

Code Camp - Free online Session.