Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus
We have a Respectful lesson for our new PBL focus area. We will be working with students on how to best include others, how to make a plan with friends for playtime and how to use the playground 'buddy bench'.
Next week, we challenge everyone to meet someone new.
- Say “Hi, what is your name?”
- Use their name and look out for them around school this week. Say “Hi” to them again another day!
- We will check in at morning meetings to find out who you have met this week!
PBL Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:
KH - Nicholas Kocek
KMB - Lilah Farrell
KW - Charlie Lees
1D - Kaesan Helback Shreiweis
1L - Macie Arnold
2RG - Mila Keam
2/3B - Nixon Beardsley
3ML - Tanna Seager
3N - Khyle Wait
4S - Ariella Jedyn
4M - Nahla Singh
4/5WP - Leo Bingle
5BG - Harla Gittoes
6G - Braxton Gregory
6D - Josh Keipert