Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Boambee Public School - Harmony Day
On March 21 this year we will be celebrating cultural diversity for Harmony Day. We are inviting students to dress up in orange or in clothing that represents their culture. Students and parents are also invited to come in to their child's classroom on that day and share some of their culture with the class. Please send a Seesaw message to your teacher if you wish to attend the school on March 21 to share your culture with your child's class. The visits will be between 9 am and 10 am.
Public Education Pathways
Boambee Public School has a new strategic investment within our 2024-2027 School Improvement Plan. We are working with Toormina High School to ensure that our students are confident and comfortable with their transitions to high school. Mr Doyle is leading this work and will have a presence in the high school on a regular basis, funded by Boambee Public School.
I wanted to take a moment to advocate for the value and importance of the public education pathway. It is essential to consider what best serves the needs and aspirations of our children and for our community.
Students who attend public schools not only achieve academic success but also develop crucial life skills and have opportunities for diverse experiences that contribute to their overall growth and development. Public schools are inherently inclusive and diverse environments that reflect the community that we live in. We embrace students from all walks of life, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status or ability. This kind of educational experience fosters tolerance, empathy, and understanding among students, preparing students better for the world that they need to live and work within.
If this issue is important to you, I encourage you to come along and join our Boambee Public School Parents and Citizen's Association (P&C). Within this group we will work in partnership with Toormina High School. As parents, your involvement in our P & C would naturally progress to involvement with the Toormina High School P & C. The P & C Federation is committed to a free public education system which is inclusive of all, irrespective of culture, gender, academic ability and socioeconomic status. Our next Boambee Public School P & C Meeting is May 20, 6pm in the staffroom.
As we consider the best educational options for our children, I encourage you to consider the invaluable contributions of public education. By supporting our public schools, we invest in the future success and well-being of our community as a whole.
Boambee Public School - Working Bee
27th March 2024 - 4:30 PM
Please note the date change from March 28 to March 27. Thank you to those people who have put their name down for the working bee so far. If you can spare some time - please follow the link below.
We will provide a sausage sizzle and supervision for school aged children.
Working Bee Survey Link:
Principal's Awards
Evelyn Watt - KH
Evie has been working hard to challenge herself since her first day of school. She works extremely hard in all learning areas.
Maci Keam - KMB
Being an outstanding role model in our classroom.
Jordan Foster - 6G
Being a great helper and positive role model.
Mckenzie Raven - 3ML
For always working to the best of her ability and being a positive role model for the rest of the class.
Evelyn Cormick - 3N
Being an outstanding role model in our classroom and all aspects of schooling.
Elsa Millhouse - 4/5WP
For her positive and enthusiastic leadership in PBL groups.
Beatrix Alam - 3N
Being an outstanding role model in our classroom in all aspects of schooling.
Delilah McKay - 4M
Being a positive role model as a learner.
Thomas Edmonds - 6D
Mikki (CAPA Club) and Thomas (Tech Club) single-handedly organised and ran the first CAPA club Just Dance at lunch time Monday. Both gave up their entire lunchtime to ensure it was a success.
Mikkila Eggins - 6D
Mikki (CAPA Club) and Thomas (Tech Club) single-handedly organised and ran the first CAPA club Just Dance at lunch time Monday. Both gave up their entire lunchtime to ensure it was a success.
Arlia Heap - 1L
Arlia is caring, respectful and focused on her learning.
Mila Keam - 2RG
Outstanding care and leadership - looking out for a new, younger student on her first day.
Ella Jeffrey - 2RG
Outstanding care and leadership - looking out for a new, younger student on her first day.
Summer Scott - 2RG
Outstanding care and leadership - looking out for a new, younger student on her first day.
Matilda Morrow - 2/3B
Outstanding care and leadership - looking out for a new, younger student on her first day.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.