
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

Important dates and other reminders!

I am hoping that all students and their families had a great catch up over the long weekend. I know that for some boarders it was the first time in 5 weeks that they had the opportunity to go home and catch up with friends and family. It probably went too quickly but the end of Term is only 4 weeks away.


This long weekend caught a few of us off guard and is a timely reminder to always check the Student Calendar and the last page of Chatter to keep abreast of all College goings on. Please remind your student to check their diaries, ask what was discussed at Assemblies and if in doubt please give the College a call. 



End of Term 1 is Thursday 28 March at 12.20pm with parent/teacher interviews 1:00pm - 3:00pm that afternoon.  

Term 2 Residential opens from 4:00pm, Monday 15 April 2024.

Speed Limits and Parking 

Just a gentle reminder that all parents and hosts must keep to the 20km speed limit while driving in the College and that there is no parking alongside the grass area at all please (even trucks and trailers). We have had some near misses in the past as students run to meet their parents and not looking properly in all the excitement. 


The student drivers are doing a great job keeping to the speed limit as they exit the student car park and we are really proud of the mature way they are parking, signing in and reporting that they are back from leave. 


All leave is to be entered into REACH by 8:00pm Wednesday evening please. This assists us with our catering, event planning and staffing. We are really happy that most parents are seeing the importance of having students back by 7.30pm on Sunday night and have seen a real difference in the preparedness and energy levels of those students. 


Residential Supervisors are constantly reminding students to strip their beds weekly and either put it in the weekly linen wash or take their linen home. Unfortunately, a few students have been sleeping in the same sheets for weeks on end and this is not ok on both a personal level and College hygiene level. Please assist us by reminding your son/ daughter to bring their linen home or leave it in the laundry bins on their particular dormitory linen day.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have a lot of absolutely beautiful rooms that are not only spotless but look like small holiday villas. Keep up the good work crew!


Kristine Van

Residential Manager