Farm Enterprises

Oliver Pienaar driving the John Deere 9420R towing the Marshall Multispreader in paddock 60. We are currently setting up for this year’s cropping program by spreading HiCal Lime.
Exciting news! Our new seeder bar is getting the finishing touches done and we’re hoping it will be ready and delivered very soon.
Mr Kelly and Mr de Beer
This week we waved goodbye to the biggest load of cattle we’ve sent away in a long time. It was sad to see some of the old girls go (some of them fan-favourites), but the weaners were looking exceptional!
Our new Technical Officer, Miss Baker, started with us this week and has been learning the ropes and the ins and outs of the cattle enterprise. Miss Baker is taking on the cattle while I sit in the Assistant Farm Manager’s chair for a while. Welcome Miss Baker!
Mrs Iles
This week we are in the process of manufacturing an offal trolley for the butcher shop. We are also continuing with student driving tests to acquire their red, yellow and green licenses.
Mr Ball
Term 1 for the sheep enterprise means shearing, shows and AI. The term has been very busy so far. Year 11s are now getting the chance to continue with shearing if they are interested, honing their skills and getting more time on the boards. The Year 12s are broadening their knowledge and getting more qualified. So far, almost 900 sheep have been shorn. All the full-wool ewes were completed last week, so now it’s time for the maiden ewes and then the wether lambs.
This week some of our students will be heading to the Wagin Woolarama to show their sheep and compete in wool handling, shearing and junior judging. Good luck to them all!
Mr Laird and Miss Martini
With Mrs Iles preoccupied with paperwork, Mr Jones has been helping students to feed our various mobs of cattle and complete Operate Tractors competencies. In amongst that has been driving tests for Year 11s and Operate Vehicles and Tractors for Year 12s. There has also been a bit of fencing going on with Mr West and with the help of one of our relief staff members, Mr Jasper.
Mr Jones and Mr West
It's been an exciting fortnight in the piggery as the first of the Cert III gilts have started farrowing with the rest close behind. Certificate III students must monitor their gilt’s performance as a mother, and the progeny performance as part of their assessment. Although it's required that the students follow their gilt’s progress, it's been difficult to keep them away! The hot weather has eased up and pigs have all returned to their usual feed consumption and behaviour. Over the next month we will have about 120 baconer pigs that will be branded and loaded on the truck for slaughter at Linley Valley processing facility.
Miss Read and Miss Davenport