
Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Kylie Iles

Assistant Farm Manager

Spreading, fencing, demonstrations, sales, rain!

A lot has been happening down on Farm this fortnight!


Another reminder to students and parents that College hats are compulsory on Farm.  Students who do not bring their hats will incur a uniform infringement and possibly demerit points.  Even though the weather is cooling down (slightly), the UV rating is still high and hats form part of the uniform as well as personal protective equipment (PPE).

Weekend Duty

Please ensure you complete your weekend duty fully when you are rostered on.  Failing to turn up for a morning or afternoon shift can mean that you have to return for another weekend to complete the required amount of time.


If you have an appointment or must leave the school during the day, please inform your Technical Officer (TO) at the commencement of the day so that they can get you to the right place at the right time. We have had a few instances lately of students being out at the back paddocks when they should have been at appointments or being picked up.  We don’t want you to be late!

Quadtrac Demo days

The College hosted a Case IH demonstration on 22 - 23 February.  Case was showcasing their new Quadtrac 715, pulling a Speed Tiller on the canola stubble in paddocks 22 and 24.  


Case representatives from the district converged on the College to be shown through the new machine and then had a chance to see and operate it working in the paddock.  Local farmers were also invited to have a look.


Students were given a thorough tour of the machine while it was in the Fissioli Workshop and a few lucky students were even able to go for a spin in the paddock.  It was great to see the students interacting with the Case staff and they should be proud of how they conducted themselves!

Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Kylie Iles

Assistant Farm Manager