Careers Corner

This newsletter is all about the Year 10s… well I can’t show favouritism so I will have to include the Year 11s and 12s also!


This week, the Year 10 individual career meetings have commenced.  In the coming weeks, parents can expect to see Alwell results coming home with the students after they have had their meetings with me.  I really value this time with students exploring their ideas for “life after Bayside”.  

Term 1 Highlights

  • VET enrolments - withdrawal (see below)
  • Year 10 Individual Student Meetings - Careers/Work Experience (commencing in week 4 - delayed due to storm disruption)
  • Year 12 Individual Student Meetings - Post BCC intentions (commencing later in term 1)
  • VCE Subject changes - Unit 1 (deadline has passed - see below)

VET Enrolments (Withdrawal deadline)

Just a reminder that if students are wanting to withdraw from their VET course, they will need to advise Ms Michelle Smith by Thursday 29th February.  This allows time to contact RTOs by the deadline.  If students/parents have not advised by this date, they will be liable to pay full fees.  (email:

Work Experience

On Monday (Week 4) I was able to address the year 10 cohort together at the start of their homegroup to provide some general information regarding their individual career meetings and work experience.  I have followed up this meeting with an email recapping some important points for work experience.  The Work Experience Preparation Information Booklet was also attached to the email.  


Just to recap some important points:

  • Work experience is on the last week of Term 2: Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June
  • You will be expected to have a placement organised by the first week of Term 2.
  • There is a new process for placements at BCC. Please come and see me as soon as possible if you are hoping to complete your work experience in our school.
  • Also, there are additional forms and information required if you are wanting to do work experience with animals.
  • There are also additional permission forms required if you are travelling with your employer to various sites while on work experience.  
  • If you are working in the building industry please check if you will need a white card.  If it is required, you will need to arrange it in the April holidays (there is a cost involved). 

Students have been advised to see Ms Michelle Smith once they have confirmed a placement with the employer for the appropriate forms.  All forms will need to be returned by the end of Week 2 (Term 2) - Friday 26th April.  This allows for all of the relevant checks, authorisation and communication to employers well before the work experience week.


If students are really not sure what they would like to do for work experience, I have offered to brainstorm some ideas.  I may be available for the Monday night Thrive session during term 1.  Students will need to check in advance if they are wanting me to attend as I often have after school commitments.  


Students have been encouraged to ask parents, friends and family for contacts they may have in the industry they are hoping to do work experience.  While I do encourage support and giving relevant contacts, I prefer if students engage in the process and take ownership of their work experience placement.  In past years, the students who have engaged and obtained the most value are the students who have sought and successfully gained a work experience placement by their own initiative.


Students have access to the “School to work” portal (formerly the SWL portal) that lists work experience opportunities that exist within our area across numerous industries.  This resource is updated regularly by our wonderful Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Local Learning Education Network (FMPLLEN).  School to Work Portal:


For reference, work experience week is Monday 24th - Friday 28th June.

VCE Subject Changes/Withdrawals

The deadline for term 1 VCE Subject changes has now passed.  If students are having difficulty with their VCE subject, please see the subject teacher or the VCE Coordinator (Mr Chay Williamson).  


Kindly note, my work days have changed.  In Week A, I work Monday to Thursday and in Week B, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday.

Please plan ahead, as I am not always available when you need me to be. 


My Calendly bookings are on Monday and Thursday only.  Bookings can be made outside of those days by arrangement only. 


Location: N12 (East end of N-Block)


Booking: (Mondays and Thursdays)


Ms Michelle Smith

Careers Coordinator