Whole School News

 Icy Pole Day - Tomorrow 15th March

Icy pole treat is on tomorrow!

Students are able to purchase an ice block for 50 cents at the start of lunch time. These days will then run fortnightly on a Friday.







Harmony Week 

Harmony Week 2024 will take place from 15th March to 21st March

Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. The message of Harmony Week is that everyone belongs and it’s about promoting inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ 


During the week classes will be incorporating a short, daily Harmony Day activity into their learning. 

As a school we are going to celebrate Harmony Week on Friday 22nd March with some year level activities and video features in the online assembly.  


We are encouraging everyone to wear a touch of orange to show your support on this day and we will be handing out an orange ribbon to all students to add a touch of orange to their full school uniform for the day.  Note: full school uniform is still required for the day.


Student Voice: Junior School Council (JSC)

At Newport Lakes Primary School we acknowledge that Student Voice is a powerful driver to motivate learning and recognise that all students are able to participate, learn and lead. Student voice acknowledges that students have unique perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling and should have the opportunity to actively shape their own education.


Student voice equals students actively participating in their school, communities and the education system, contributing to decision making processes and collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas. Junior School Council (JSC) is one avenue where students are able to access authentic opportunities to develop a voice. The chance to be heard and be involved as key stakeholders, ensures that viewpoints from a range of perspectives are heard and this in turn leads to more informed decision making. 


Junior School Councillors have now been elected from grades 1–6. In 2024 the makeup of JSC sees one representative from each class. The JSC will meet on a fortnightly basis at lunchtimes. Congratulations to the following students on being elected by their peers.


JSC Class Representatives 2024

Maggie, Sam, Poppy, Lucy, Alice, Zoe, Fletcher, Milla, Gabby, Arya, Sophie, Dash, Alicia, Finley, Daniela, Lola, Georgia, Nina, Shaksham. Absent from photo: Finley and Gabby

JSC Coordinators

Chris Brown, Bianca Egan, Heidi James and Samantha Meddis


Breathe Melbourne

Newport Lakes Primary School participated in the Breathe Melbourne project last year, take a look at the results attached.

The Breathe Melbourne team want to hear from parents to understand if, and how, the project made an impact at our school.


Please share your thoughts in the short 5-minute survey: https://redcap.link/newportlakes