What's happening in our learning spaces? 


FLWMinnie - For always speaking politely and respectfully to your teacher and classmates. Your manners are just amazing Minnie. What a STAR you are!
FAPArchie - For his marvellous maths skills when identifying numbers on a tens frame. You are the counting champion! Well done Archie.
FAMSebastian - For being a great communicator and confidently sharing all of your thoughts, ideas and questions. Keep it up Sebastian! 
1/2VSEdan - For always having a positive attitude and taking on new challenges! Keep up the wonderful effort Edan! 
1/2VKKaylee - For demonstrating kindness to everyone. You maintain a positive mindset and are always willing to help. Well done Kaylee, your kindness is contagious!
1/2VBZara - For challenging herself in maths by trying to find multiple solutions to a problem. Go Zara! 
3/4BPGus - For being a curious thinker, sharing his ideas and wonderings openly with his classmates. We love hearing what you are thinking, Gus! 
3/4SHChrysi - For consistently trying her hardest, never giving up and always spreading her joy. You make us smile every day. Thank you Chrysi!


It has been a very busy week in the Foundation area. This week is our last rest day on Wednesday before beginning school full time!


As mathematicians, we have been learning how to count forwards and backwards from 0 to 10, represent small collections of objects and write our numbers 0 to 10. We have enjoyed listening to lots of interactive numbers songs, especially with our friend Jack Hartman! Some of us have been adventuring outside to show how we can represent numbers using chalk and our bodies. Some of us learnt new and fun games to play that help us learn our numbers. We will continue to explore how to show numbers in different ways and practise our counting skills over the next few weeks. 

As members of a Faith community, we visited St Fidelis Church to explore and find out about some of the symbols there. As curious thinkers, we activated our prior knowledge about Church and Prayer and then shared some of our new discoveries. Here are some of our thoughts, observations and discoveries…

  • Babies get Holy Water tipped on their heads in the Church- EDITH
  • People eat bread at Church- ELENA
  • I saw the cup for the bread- SUMI
  • We pray at Church- MINNIE
  • There was a cross with Jesus on it- ISAIAH
  • I learnt that Jesus died on the cross- LEO
  • I saw a statue of Mary, Jesus’ mother- ARSEMA
  • Jesus was a very kind and special person- AUDREY

Please remember to return the note about attending the Foundation/Year 5&6 Buddy Mass on Sunday, 3rd March, at 11am. 


We are excited for the week ahead and look forward to starting Discovery Time. Next Monday, 4th March, we will have our very first incursion, about Road Safety…we can’t wait!


Have a wonderful week


Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips & Alycia Marsico

Foundation Team

YEAR 1/2

Welcome to Week Five! We trust this newsletter finds you well and your week has been nothing short of fantastic, just like ours. 


As part of our mindfulness and wellbeing program, we began the week with a focus on being self-managers. We explored the Catastrophe Scale, a measurement system that helps put our problems and feelings into perspective. As thinkers and collaborators, we worked in small groups to identify different types of problems for each part of the scale, how serious they are and ways we can manage them, and placed these on our own scales. We also continued to engage in mindfulness daily, such as guided meditation, yoga, breathing exercises and mindfulness colouring. 

As members of the Catholic Faith Tradition, 1/2VS had the opportunity to participate in a class Masswhere they listend to and responded to the prayers. It was wonderful to see students courageously read the Prayers of the Faithful and bring the offertory to Father. We look forward to further opportunities throughout the year to continue to develop our relationship with God. 

As writers, we began exploring how to write recounts focusing on experiences that we have engaged in. We began to plan our writing pieces, utilising the colourful semantics to help us sort out our ideas, we collated information on the Who, What Doing, When, Where and What Like. 


We will continue to do this over the coming weeks, as we engage in various writing opportunities about our weekends, specialist learning, Discovery Time, Mass and other experiences. 

As mathematicians, we tuned in to the concept of Place Value. As researchers, we are exploring how to read and write two and three-digit numbers. Some of us used unifix blocks, bundling sticks and MAB to make them. This week, we will look at how we can make and represent these numbers using our knowledge of place value and identify the value of each digit. 


As part of your child's home learning, please continue to count with them as often as possible. Grade 1s are expected to count forwards from 0 to 120, and back, and skip count forwards and backwards by 2s, 5s and 10s from 0. Grade 2s are expected to count forwards and backwards by 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s from any starting point.  

It was lovely to meet parents and carers last week! This is a great opportunity to develop positive partnerships supporting the wonderful children in Year 1/2! We look forward to further opportunities where we can continue to build on our family-school partnerships. Monday is a special day for one of our teachers, and we are so excited to help celebrate Miss Sparano’s birthday. 


Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis

1/2 Team

YEAR 3/4

As curious thinkers, the year 3/4 students went on an excursion to Sandridge Beach facilitated by Life Saving Victoria on Monday 19th February. The students engaged in various activities on the beach and learnt many new things. The students gained knowledge of how to stay safe in and around the water, an emergency response sequence known as DRSABCD, and learnt many rescue and survival strategies. Thank you to the parent helpers who supported us on our excursion. Take a look at our fun day! 

As resilient learners, we have explored the concept of Character Strengths in our Resilience Project session this week. Students engaged in reflecting on themselves and choosing appropriate character strengths that they show every day. We set ourselves a goal to look out for characters' strengths in others. 


As a Catholic learning community, Year 3/4BP and 1/2VS attended class mass on Wednesday. Thank you to our wonderful readers Clara, Darius, Priscilla, Akira, and Tess. And of course, Riley, for bringing the offertory to Father Linh. Thank you to all the parents who attended Mass with us.  

As innovative learners, we explored the Spike Essential Kit to create a coding sequence for our taxi to travel from one place to another. We communicated and collaborated in small groups to build our taxi and follow the prompts on the iPads to successfully complete the lesson objective. 

Have a wonderful week!

Year 3/4 Teachers

Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan 

YEAR 5/6

What an amazing time we had at Sovereign Hill Camp. We hope everyone has caught up on sleep over the weekend! Camp was jam packed with amazing opportunities, we hope you have heard some fantastic stories and insights from our camp. 


Some of the activities we participated in included two education sessions “The Eureka Story” and “Welcome to the Goldfields”. We also got to participate in the Red Hill Mine Tour and the Labyrinth Mine tour. We viewed a Gold Pour Demonstration, Confectionary Making and Candle Dipping. At night time we watched a Pantomime and the Aura light show. 

During camp we celebrated two Birthdays, we hope Alfie and Ava enjoyed their special day!

Over the next week we will be unpacking our learning that we engaged in at Sovereign Hill as part of our inquiry related to Australian History, “Change: How did we get here?”. Stay tuned for next week's newsletter to find out more about camp!


We hope you enjoyed some of the updates we posted over on instagram, use the QR Codes to view them or head to our instagram page @stfideliscoburg.

Reminder: Year 5/6BZ will be hosting Whole School Prayer and Assembly on Friday. We hope to see you there!


Enjoy your week!


The Year 5/6 Team, 

Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut