Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 5 Term 1


Dear Parents and Carers,


Last week our Year 5/6 students attended Sovereign Hill Camp for 3 days.  Every year, it is my privilege to attend camp and spend time getting to know the children in a different setting. It is wonderful to chat with them, find out a little more about their interests, hobbies, and families.


A big thanks to all the teachers - Ms Zorzut, Ms Maddie, Ms Sargent, Ms Pirrotta,  Mr Frazzetto and Sebastian Frazzetto (training teacher), who attended camp last week and a huge thank you to Mr Jennings who has spent hours organizing for this camp.  


I hope your children were able to share the experiences with you over the weekend. This camp is a springboard to the Inquiry that will take place in the classrooms this term. 


I trust that all families will encourage their children to thank their teachers for giving up their time away from their families in order for them to have this amazing experience and opportunity.


Enjoy the photos from camp in Mr. Jennings Sport News on the Learning & Teaching page and Year 5/6 news in the What's Happening in our Leaning Spaces page.

ISN Psychologist Update

Unfortunately, Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS), have withdrawn all services from external psychologist companies to all Catholic Schools whilst they undergo a review process during Term One and Term Two of 2024. After this time we will be notified when we can engage with ISN (Institute for Social Neuroscience) Psychology once again.


Please speak to your child’s teachers if you have any concerns about your child's social or emotional wellbeing or contact Sally Lentini, our Wellbeing Leader.

Student Wellbeing

Our children’s wellbeing continues to be our priority. We want to support our children to be strong resilient people especially during these uncertain times. The Resilience Project program, is taught once a week by the classroom teachers and supported by Sally (our Wellbeing Leader), through explicit lessons and referred to in our day to day interactions with each other.


The Resilience Project’s Partnership School Program, supports the wellbeing of the whole school community and builds a positive school culture. We anticipate and look forward to remaining a partnership school for many years to come. 


The Resilience Project Program: 

  • Engages STAFF through professional development presentations, teamed with resources and activities, which develop a consistent language and approach.
  • Inspires STUDENTS across all year levels through the delivery of highly engaging presentations.
  • Empowers PARENTS AND CARERS with presentations that provide practical strategies to help build their children’s resilience, and improve their own wellbeing.
  • Supports the ongoing practise of mental health strategies in the classroom 

Year 5/6 and 2024 Foundation Students' Buddy Mass 

This Sunday March 3rd, the Year 5/6 students, the 2024 Foundation Students and their families will celebrate the conclusion of their transition program to school at 11:00am Mass. The Buddy Mass is an  opportunity to formally introduce the Foundation families to the Year 5/6 families as part of our Buddy Program. 


The purpose of a Buddy Program, is to support a smooth transition for children starting school, to develop relationships between the younger and older children, enhancing the sense of belonging to a friendly, supportive school community. 


The Buddy Program benefits the older buddy in acknowledging their leadership, responsibility and pride in their ability to be helpful. It also marks the  completion of the Foundation transition program, which began last year in October, with the beautiful Parent Spiritual evening facilitated by Maria Forde and a transition program that gave the incoming students, four school experience sessions before formally beginning school in 2024.

Foundation 2025 –School Tours 

School tours for Foundation 2025 have begun. I have been taking personal tours and it’s fantastic to be able to showcase our beautiful learning spaces and facilities that St Fidelis has to offer.


If you have any friends or family that are interested in a school tour, please let them know that they can either book a tour via our website, contact our office by calling 93833600 or contact me directly: mwatson@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au


Sibling Enrolments for 2025 

If you have a child commencing Foundation in 2025, can you please enrol your child by the end of March so we can determine how many places will be available to new families for 2025. We have a high sibling intake in 2025 however, we may have missed some, so please ensure  you enrol before March to secure your enrolment for 2025. Collect your enrolment forms from the school office or download them from our website. 

Child Safe

St Fidelis' learning community, is committed to the wellbeing and safety of all children. Our interaction with all our community is founded on respect for each person. Within a Catholic community, this respect of each individual is rooted in the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God. 


Over the next eleven weeks, each of the Child Safe Standards will be highlighted with examples of how the learning community of St Fidelis' school, promotes a culture of child safety.

Child Safe Standard 2 - Child Safety is embedded in organizational leadership, governance and culture

St Fidelis' Primary School, is a school which operates with the consent of the catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated by Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools. lts (MACS) We have a public commitment to child safety. This is visible in our policy documentation and through the processes and procedures that ensure our school is a child safe place. Staff, volunteers are required to follow a code of conduct related to behavioral standards and responsibilities. Our school policies readily available on our webpage, outline and promote a culture of child safety. 

St Fidelis' Primary School Community Open Day  


Sunday March 17

12:00pm -4:00pm

St Fidelis' families, parishioners and visitors are cordially invited to tour St Fidelis' Primary School and experience our newly refurbished classrooms area and contemporary learning spaces. Opportunities to chat with students, parents, teachers and the Principal.

Guided Tours by staff and School Captain

Activities Include:



(Including Fresh Produce, Village bakery, Confectionary 






School Fees 2024

You have now received your School Fees for 2024. We would appreciate payment as soon as possible. The school has already paid for all of your children's stationary, camp upfront and prompt payment of the first installment would be most appreciated. The office is open from 8:30 to 4:00 pm each day if you would like to pay in person. If you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below. If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.  


Included are the Bank details for your ease of payment:

CDF (Catholic Development Fund)
BSB:083 347
ACCOUNT: 65 603 6380
REF:Childs name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO: St Fidelis Primary School

Please note once you have made a payment can you email Ann Russo 

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au   with the amount you have deposited.


Concessional School Fee

Families who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for a fee concession:

  •  Any family of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
  •  Any family holding a HCC and eligible for CSEF
  •  Any family holding a DVA Gold Card
  •  Any family identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard

Please collect a concession fee application form to be considered for the concession fee.


Have a great week everyone,


Kind Regards
