Teaching and Learning

Meet and Greet Parent-Teacher Interviews
Date: Wednesday Feb 21st
Time: 1.30pm - 6.00pm - (Students finish at the earlier time of 1pm)
Bookings have been strong so far, which is great. Bookings will remain open until next Tuesday, 20th at midday, so if you have not yet had a chance to make a booking, please log into Compass and make a time to chat with your child’s teachers.
Home Reading
You will have noticed that your child is bringing home a book from school daily. Reading at home is an important part of a child’s overall literacy development and complements our reading program at school. Reading at home is an opportunity for your child to share what they are learning, to help build their confidence, as well as build a love of reading. By making reading a daily routine in your home you are assisting your child in their academic success.
The books your child is bringing home should be at an easy level so they can practise and embed the reading skills they are focusing on at school. We want home reading to be an enjoyable part of the day with your child and not a stressful or tedious time.
We will hold a parent information session towards the end of this term where we will share more information about how you can best support your child’s reading at home. This will also be an opportunity to gain an insight into your child’s reading instruction at school.
Please keep an eye on the newsletter and Compass notifications for further information.
Here is some general advice regarding ways in which you could engage and support your child with reading at home:
Early and Emergent Readers
Get your child thinking about what the book might be about by asking some questions before you start reading. Here are some examples of what you could ask:
What do you think this book is about? Why?
Do you think this is a story or a fact book? Why?
Can you read the title? Does this give you some more clues?
What can you notice about the picture on the front of the book?
If your child does not know all the words in the book they are reading, it is ok to tell them the words and then discuss the words.
As mentioned above, we want home reading to be an enjoyable experience for you and your child.
Fluent Readers
It is just as important for fluent readers to remain reading at home as part of their daily routine. This can be done independently or with parents/carers. Fluent readers are beginning to understand the meaning behind words and building on their reading comprehension. This is an exciting point in your child’s reading progress and although they can read independently, it is nice for your child to read aloud and practise this skill.
If you have any questions in regard to home reading, please contact your child’s teacher.
Last Friday the first lot of homework was sent home for all students in Years 1-6 and is due back tomorrow. As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, our routine at BPS is that homework is sent out on a Friday and due back the following Thursday.
Homework records will be kept by all classroom teachers in Compass with the following:
- N/A - No homework handed out or student absent for the homework period
- Not Attempted - Homework has not been completed and handed in
- Partially Completed - Homework partly completed or not handed in on time
- Completed - Homework completed and handed in on time (including home reading)
Homework records will be visible by parents in your child’s Compass profile from this Friday.
We strongly encourage parents and carers to communicate with your child’s classroom teacher early in the year regarding any questions that you may have regarding homework and home reading. The meet and greet sessions are a perfect opportunity to discuss any questions you may have.
We thank all parents and carers in advance for your support of homework and home reading throughout the year ahead, it is greatly appreciated.
We have once again been selected to participate in the Bulldogs Read Literacy Program in 2024, with Year 5 identified as the area of focus.
18 students in Year 5 have been selected to participate this year and they are all very excited about being involved.
This first engagement day will take place next Thursday 22 February, which is the Bulldogs Read Welcome to 2024 Event.
This is one of the most popular events provided to participants each year each year as a part of the AFL Community Camp when the Bulldogs players are in town.
Students will hear from 2 Bulldogs AFL players and 2 Bulldogs AFLW players with a Q & A, along with player signings.
There will be many more opportunities that these students will have available to them throughout the year, which we look forward to sharing with the broader school community.
Congratulations to the following students: