Principal's Report

It can be easy to assume that our kids make good decisions as they walk, ride, or scoot their way to and from school. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. From time to time we hear reports of children making their way to or from school in an unsafe manner. Typically, these relate to children travelling up the middle of roads when a footpath is available (Buninyong is getting too busy for that) or children crossing roads in unsafe locations. Having said that, we regularly witness lots of students doing the right thing, including using the school crossings and the traffic lights to cross the road safely…that’s what we want to see.
This is a timely reminder for all parents to have a road safety chat at the dinner table. Please talk to your kids about the best route to and from school and about general road safety. We’ll be doing the same at school.
Early each school year we hold 2 Open Mornings. These give prospective families the opportunity to take a tour of the school. A team of grade 6s (our Transition Team) are the tour guides on these days, which is a job they love.
This year our Open Mornings will be held on March 6th and 7th between 9am and 1pm. Please pass the message on to anyone you know that has a child starting school in 2025.
After a few warm and dry weeks, the landscape is drying out quickly, highlighting the need for us to prepared for the risk of a bushfire.
Our Scotsburn Campus is vulnerable to fires and each year we undertake works to reduce the fuel load around the campus and make sure the buildings are as safe as they can be in the event of a fire.
Having said that, we have every intention of hosting Scotsburn staff and students at the Buninyong Campus on days where the fire risk is high. We are mandated for the Scotsburn Campus to close on days rated as catastrophic, but don’t intend to have anyone on site when the fire rating is Extreme, as has been the case yesterday.
We will do our best to give Scotsburn families plenty of notice on occasions when the decision is taken to host staff and students at the Buninyong Campus. However, there will be occasions, \where a late call will be made to relocate based on updated weather information. Thanks for your understanding.
The attached document provides a detailed explanation of how we manage the threat of bushfires at our Scotsburn Campus.