5/6 Area

Brittany Ansons, Rachel Foy, Susan Righele, Rowena Lytton.

Antoinette El Bazouni, Amanda Douvos, Helen Bisiach & Ester  Moretti


The students have had a sensational start to this years summer sports season. It's wonderful to see the students upholding and showing the school values of respect, community, and safe and caring environment.  The sportsmanship so far has been outstanding! The students have demonstrated this through being mindful and considerate of all players, coaches, and families, displaying empathy and always being supportive and encouraging of all, both on and off the court/field. This has been reflected in the positive feedback from other schools and families. Well done P.V.N.P.S. keep it up!

All teams and students should be extremely proud of themselves 😊

Discovery Learning

In Discovery this term the Grade 5/6s are exploring Civics and Citizenship.  This week students participated in an activity that highlighted the importance of rules and how without rues situations can become very unfair.  Throughout the unit students will be considering the purpose of rules within a local context and compare this to other areas in Australia and then further abroad to other countries.


This week in maths, students will be looking at: 

  • Place value 
  • Reflectional and rotational symmetry, shape and transformation
  • 3D objects and nets